Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Too Cute to Punch

Happy St. Paddy's Day to everyone! It's been a while since I've been able to sit down and post on this little blog of mine, but it's not due to lack of good intentions. I think it's pretty safe to say that my hands have been full during these last few weeks, and the need to sleep is winning out over my desire to blog. However, I'm going to do my best to keep up with posting as I truly am grateful to have this record of our lives.

Since today was St. Paddy's Day, I wanted to do a little something special with the kiddos. We are really getting into a good routine now that I caring for all four kids on my own every day, and it's so nice to think that I can start doing more projects again with the big kids. They were very excited to be crafting with Momma again, as well!

This craft included painting paper plates a rainbow of colors. The colors were really supposed to be in a stripe pattern, but Bren isn't quite there yet with his motor skills.

Brianna, however, did a great job at painting in stripes.

Then, I cut out "pots of gold" from black paper, and we glittered the tops of them.

We cut the paper plates into spirals, attached the pot of gold, and strung a ribbon through the top. The end result was a super cute rainbow spiral for St. Paddy's Day that we hung in the big kid room.

Brianna's rainbow spiral:

Brenson's rainbow spiral:

This morning, Chris took Bren to breakfast (in effort to spend a little one-on-one time with him) while I stayed home with the girls. I served Brianna Lucky Charms and green milk for breakfast :-).

After Chris got back with Bren - and before he left for work - I had him snap a quick photo of all of us in our green gear. Brianna said, "We have to wear green so we don't get PUNCHED!" Haha! I explained that there would be no punching (or pinching) in our house!

Momma with Brianna, Brecklyn, Brooke, and Brenson

 After Chris went to work, I finished getting all the kiddos ready for an outing because they all had appointments with the chiropractor today. This was the first time that I ventured out by myself with all four AND we actually got out of the van. I've taken them all out a few times myself, but it's only been to run errands that don't require us to leave the vehicle (I'm so thankful for drive through banking, pharmacies, library book returns, etc).

Waiting for our adjustments at the chiropractor's office (Brianna holding Brooke):

Brenson is always ready for his adjustment!

He gets adjusted like a pro! When we very first started taking him to the chiropractor, he was scared to lay down on the bed. To help distract him, we would have Brianna peek at him from under the bed. She still does it even though he doesn't need it now :-).

Brianna also enjoys getting adjusted!

This was Brooke's second adjustment. She actually fell asleep during it! It makes me feel really good knowing that it doesn't hurt them at all if they fall asleep during the process.

Sleeping away!

Brecklyn was also adjusted today, but for some reason I didn't get any pics of her? Because of the trauma to her hip during delivery, she's been adjusted almost every week since she was two weeks old. She also falls asleep during her adjustments sometimes.

Overall, it was a successful outing! I was pretty worn out by the time we got back home, but it was certainly a confidence boost to do it on my own.

Not long after getting back home, my friend Amy came by with lunch and St. Paddy's Day treats for the big kids.

She stayed all afternoon and it was so nice to be able to visit with her! She got lots of baby snuggles.

The big kids always enjoy having company.

My sweet baby girls looked too cute in their green . . . love them!

Brecklyn, Brooke

We don't generally go over-the-top for holidays, but it's fun to do a little something special. I hope you all had a great day, too!

1 comment:

  1. You really have an adorable family. You should feel so blessed and proud of them. I could post pictures of my children all day but I really appreciated seeing yours and the smiles on their faces made the day for my wife and I. Keep up the great work and the blog is fantastic. Thank you again for everything. Bless.

    Derek Sparks @ Forgey Chiropractic


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