Friday, April 10, 2015

Easter 2015: Coloring Eggs!

Once again, I am woefully behind on posting to this little blog of mine. Having a houseful of littles is exhausting, and I had gotten to the point where something just had to give. My habit is to write in the evenings after the children have gone to bed, but recently I've been so mentally and physically exhausted by the time evening rolls around that I had no desire to post. However, I love having this record of our lives, so I'm in constant conflict about what to do with this space. As you can see, I'm back to posting {for now}. I know you're excited! *grin*

I've written on here before about how one of my favorite holiday traditions has always been dying Easter eggs. Easter/springtime always seems to be a busier and more hectic time for us, so Easter egg dying is something that we often have to squeeze into our {already busy} schedule. This year, however, was a bit different. Since we had just added two new babies to our family, we had purposefully left our schedule way more open than usual. We just didn't want anything extra that would cause undue stress.

My sister also loves the Easter egg dying tradition, so we made a plan to get together to color eggs while her daughter, Chloe Jo, was out of school for Spring Break. On the morning of Wednesday, March 18th, they came over and we had a coloring party!

The babies were GREAT that morning and slept almost the entire time we were coloring eggs. I was so happy about this as it meant that I was able to participate with my bigs in the coloring process.

Every year, the egg dying process has been a bit of a fiasco with three little ones (Chloe Jo, Brianna, and Brenson). However, this year we could tell that they've all really turned a corner. Brianna and Chloe Jo didn't really require any help at all. While this was wonderful in some ways, it hurts my heart just a bit that they are growing up so much. 

Brianna loved coloring her eggs!

Chloe Jo took the process seriously.

Sweet CJ!

I can't believe I let Brianna use dye without an apron! As another sign she is maturing, her top of perfectly clean when we finished.

Brenson didn't remember much of this activity from years past, so he was especially excited to see what it was all about.

He was generally impatient for the color and would check the eggs over and over again.

As you can see, we had plenty of eggs to color! We did eat most of ours, but did throw just a few out.

Auntie Li helping Brianna:

Chloe Jo and Lisa:

Brenson really didn't want my help at all with this activity, but I tried to squeeze myself in there anyway. Ha!

I showed Brianna how to mix colors and make striped eggs. After I showed her that, she didn't want to do anything else!

Brianna, Brenson, and Chloe Jo with all of our pretty eggs:

We had a few Frozen stickers and wraps that we used in addition to the dye. The kiddos really enjoyed those!

As much as we enjoyed how calm this year was with our three big kids who are growing up, I couldn't help but think that next year we'll be back to the chaos of toddlers dying eggs! I hope we continue to enjoy this tradition for many years to come.

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