I've been on Instagram for two years now, and for the most part I enjoy connecting with people on there. I generally post to Insta a few times a week, and while most of those photos are usually also posted here on my blog, some of them never make it here for one reason or another. In effort to make sure that all the photos I post on Insta also make it on my blog, I started doing an Instagram Dump post last year. This year, I decided that I would this every 6 months (so that the post isn't forever long, although it's still not short). So, this post contains all my Instagram posts from January through June of 2015.
01/01 - This day, two years ago, was the day we lost our unborn baby, B3. We only had a short 13 weeks with our child, but we will forever love him. His loss has indeed forever changed us. And while our grief is different this year than one year ago or even two years ago, we know that we will never forget. Deep grief is the price of deep love. #miscarriage #babyloss #grief #lossanniversary #loveofaparent #neverforget
01/09 - So, this happened the other night. We had to go to Sam's and Walmart, and I knew there was no way I could walk both stores. Oh, and please ignore the econo sized Doritos in my cart! We'll just blame that on pregnancy, ha! #wedonteveneatchips #pregnantwithtwins #35weekspregnant #thebellyisoutofcontrol #thingsIsaidIdneverdo #yolo
01/17 - Practicing for when the babies are here! #bigsister #baddriver #wontbepushingthebabies #comesbyithonest
01/20 - Paging Dr. N. Paging (a very serious) Dr. N. #reallifeplay #whenigrowup #minipediatrician
01/23 - On the agenda today . . . And yes, the belly is always part of the view these days :-)! #36weekspregnant #pregnantwithtwins #twins #twinbies #twoistwiceasnice #doubleblessing #prettytoesfordelivery #gettingsoclose
01/25 - My oldest baby making me smile . . . My youngest ones making my face fat! Ha! #pregnantwithtwins #doubleblessing #gettingsoclose #37weekspregnant #loverhersomuch #lovemylittles #twins #twinbies
01/27 - I updated my blog with the latest news about the twinbies. #pregnantwithtwins #twins #twinbies #twoistwiceasnice #37weekspregnant #doubleblessing #thebellyisoutofcontrol #gettingsoclose
02/03 - We are so pleased to introduce our twin baby GIRLS! Baby A - Brooke Eliana Mae - was born at 11:41am weighing 6 pounds and 11 ounces and measuring 20 inches long. Baby B - Brecklyn Sarah Faith - was born at 11:47am weighing 6 pounds and 5 ounces and measuring 19.5 inches long. Brecklyn did have to spend a few hours in the NICU due to her dramatic entry into the world (she was born breech doing the splits!), but we're all doing great now. Praise God, the giver of all things good!
02/04 - So in love with my little twinbies! #twins #twinbies #twoistwiceasnice #doubleblessing #twingirls
02/06 - 1:30pm - first full day at home with all four children and they are all down for nap and asleep AT THE SAME TIME!!! My mom is here with me - so I do have help - but it's a win to me! #lovemylittles #sahm #motheroffour
02/08 - We sent the big kids off to church this morning, but can't wait to join them! I've long dreamed of the day I'd have my own minivan full of babies to drive to church. #fullhandsfullheart #lovemylittles #motheroffour
02/09 - The babies had their first doctor's appointment today. It was a bit (and by a bit, I really mean A LOT) stressful getting everyone out the door, to the doctor, and through the check up, but we did it and survived. And the babies checked out great!
02/10 - Today is my Brenson-man's 3rd birthday! Amidst the chaos that is now our life, we are taking time to celebrate him!!! A blog post all about Bren is posted on the blog.
02/15 - N - party of SIX - headed to church this morning! Praising and thanking God for His endless blessings!
02/16 - Brecklyn and Brooke's first snow! We took them out for one minute to snap a photo, but they were obviously excited :-). #snowbabies #twinbies #twins #twingirls #twoistwiceasnice #doubleblessing
02/19 - Bren decided he wanted to help burp his sister tonight. {heart}{heart}{heart}
02/24 - The babies are three weeks old today, and we were feeling adventurous. We've been missing our weekly visits to our favorite local Mexican restaurant, so that was on tonight's menu. First time eating out with four littles? Success! #eatingoutwithlittles #twins #twinbies #elazteca #itwasntperfectbutworthit
02/27 - My little sleepy babies are making it hard for me to be motivated today. {heart} #lovemylittles #twins #twinbies #twingirls #twoistwiceasnice #doubleblessing #holdingsleepybabiesisthebest
02/28 - Family fun on this snowy day! (We only had the babies out for about 2 minutes :-). #snowbabies #snowday #twins #twinbies #twingirls #familyfunday
03/04 - Y'all. These two are keeping Momma on her toes this evening. And I'm so tired. So so tired. BUT - these moments are fleeting and just so precious. I want to hang on to them forever . . . God's beautiful and amazing creations. #lovemylittles #twins #twinbies #twingirls #doubleblessing #cherishthemoment
03/09 - We're having so much fun learning these little ladies' personalities! Photos of them both are difficult because Miss Brooke is busy, busy, busy and less photogenic than her sister who tends to be more chill (when she's not crying). One thing for sure . . . They have both stolen our hearts! #twins #twinbies #twingirls #twoistwiceasnice #doubleblessing #lovemylittles
03/11 - Today, we enrolled our big girl in school for the fall. I miss her already :-(.
03/12 - I'm thinking Brooke was unimpressed with the headgear. Ha! #lovethisface #twins #twinbies #twingirls #babyA
03/10 - Miss Brecklyn really enjoyed our walk. We're starting to see more and more smiles {heart}. #lovethisface #twins #twingirls #twinbies #babyB
03/15 - These four. Love them so. {heart} #twins #twinbies #twingirls #twinstagram #lovemylittles #sunday #awkwardnewborns
03/16 - My happy Brooke! #babyA #twinbies #twingirls #lovethisface
03/17 - In the words of Brianna, "We need to wear our green today so we don't get PUNCHED!" Haha . . . No punching or pinching allowed! #stpaddysday #shamrock #gotourgreenon #twins #twinbies #twingirls #lovemylittles
03/18 - Sweet baby face {heart} #twins #twinbies #twingirls #babyA #BrookeEliana #lovethisface
03/19 - Precious littlest sister {heart} #twins #twinbies #babyB #BrecklynSarahFaith #lovethisface
03/20 - The twinbies' newborn photo shoot is featured on the blog today. I absolutely love so many of them and don't know how I'm ever going to choose which ones to print. #twins #twinbies #twingirls #twoistwiceasnice #doubleblessing #newbornphotosession #twinstagram
03/21 - Little baby slippers on little baby feet. Eeeeeep! #cutenessoverload #babyfeet #handmadegifts
03/21 - What's better than one set of little baby feet in little baby slippers? TWO sets of baby feet in little baby slippers :-). #babyfeet #cutenessoverload #handmadegifts
03/23 - Cute cousins!
03/24 - Yay for date night! #kidfree #datingmyhusband #fatiguemakesussilly
03/27 - While they eat, sleep, and play, these girls are constantly touching each other. It's so fun to watch this relationship develop! #twins #twinbies #twingirls #twoistwiceasnice
03/28 - The N 6 meet the bunny 2015. #easter2015 #meetthebunny
03/29 - Baby love {heart}{heart}{heart} #twins #twinbies #twingirls #twinstagram #twoistwiceasnice #doubleblessing #7weeks
03/30 - Today. It's been a super tough one, and this Momma is running on three hours of broken sleep (obviously a rough night, too). The house is a mess, the laundry is piled up, lunch is still on the table, and my three youngest are all needing my undivided attention. I lost my temper earlier and yelled. Then had to apologize. Sigh. I'm feeling like a terrible mother. I {think} they are all finally asleep, so I'm praying for a reset after nap. I need strength, grace, and SLEEP in a bad way today. #Lordgivemestrength #toughday #lotsoflittles #humbled #ineedtogetittogether
04/01 - I always thought that photographing an infant was difficult. However, getting a good pic of TWO infants seems nearly impossible! A post is on the blog showcasing our photography adventures :-). #twins #twinbies #twingirls #twinstagram #twoistwiceasnice
04/03 - Immunizations for two babies today means double the fussiness and double the snuggles. #theyjustwanttobeheld #twins #toughday #twingirls #twinbies
04/04 - Seriously with the mini aviator glasses! #myboy #toocoolforschool #lovethisface
04/05 - My sweet baby bunnies! #latergram #twins #twinbies #twingirls #twinstagram #twoistwiceasnice #easter2015
04/06 - Thankful for warm weather, picnics, sunshine, and soft breezes today! #lovemylittles #thereisalwaysonecrying #springinoklahoma #lotsoflittles
04/07 - Despite my efforts to make her a paci baby, she insists on liking her thumb. I'm not a fan of thumb or finger sucking, but I'll admit that it's pretty cute (for now). #babyA #BrookeEliana #thumbsucker #twins #twinbies
04/08 - Trying out the Bumbo . . . I think it's a hit! #twins #twinbies #babyB #BrecklynSarahFaith #9weeks #tryingoutthebumbo
04/12 - Sweet Brooke smiles. #babyA #BrookeEliana #twins #twinbies #twingirls
04/14 - Sweet Brecklyn smiles. #babyB #BrecklynSarahFaith #twins #twinbies #twingirls
04/17 - Yesterday - surgery on the double hernia souvenir I acquired during twin pregnancy. Today - taking it super easy so I can get back to thriving in this mom gig I love so much! #sahm #twinpregnancy #twibies #worthit
04/18 - Post surgery pump and dump . . . Almost as painful as the surgery! #sahm #breastfeedingtwins #pumpanddump #twinbies #sadday
04/20 - Can you tell they are sisters? #fiveyearsapart #nottwins #BriannaElisabeth #BrookeEliana
04/21 - I can't get enough of this sweet girl! #babyB #BrecklynSarahFaith #twinbies #twins #twingirls #lovethisface
04/23 - My sweets {heart}. #twins #twinbies #twingirls #twinstagram #BrookeEliana #BrecklynSarahFaith #lovemylittles
04/28 - It's a perfect evening for a family walk! #partyof6 #lotsoflittles #familyfunday
04/29 - We're excited about this perfect spring day! #springinOklahoma #lovemylittles #sahm #outdoorplay
04/30 - These good morning smiles fill my heart! Praising God today and always for my twinbies! #twins #twinbies #twingirls #BrookeEliana #BrecklynSarahFaith #lovemylittles #breastfeedingtwins #5amneverlookedsogood
05/01 - Visiting Daddy at work for lunch today!
05/03 - The Fab Four on this beautiful Sunday morning . . . Ready to praise and worship our Lord! #lotsoflittles #lovemylittles #sunday
05/04 - We headed to the park today for some fresh air and sunshine! #lotsoflittles #lovemylittles #sahm #springinoklahoma
05/04 - The babies are loving it! #twins #twinbies #twingirls #twinstagram
05/04 - Picnic lunch! #springinoklahoma #weneedabiggerblanket #lotsoflittles
05/06 - Today, there has been lots of opportunity for lessons in showing kindness, humility, graciousness, and forgiveness toward one another. These days can be tough, bu they are so very sweet as well. #lifelessons #parentingaintforsissies
05/15 - I saw this in a parking lot today . . . I feel their pain! #lotsoflittles #minivanmomma #icansympathize #aintcoolnomore
5/17 - Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him and bless his name. For The Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations. {heart}{heart}{heart}
05/19 - #blessedbeyondmeasure #lotsoflittles #infertility #momof4
05/21 - I hit the grocery store with ALL my littles in tow for the first time since the twins were born. Yes, I realize they are three months old, but the thought of getting groceries with all of them was a bit intimidating! Plus, logistically it was complicated, but we did it and everyone survived! I have found that pretty much everywhere we go, there are nice people who want to help us, and I am SO thankful for that! There are a few snide comments here and there, but the nice people far outweigh the negative! I pray that I'll take the opportunities to help a mom with her hands full when I can. #momof4 #lotsoflittles #blessedbeyondmeasure #groceryshoppingwasaworkout
05/25 - My little Brooke Ellie loves to smile, and her whole face lights up when she does. Tonight's bedtime smiles were a great way to end the day! #BrookeEliana #babyA #sweetsmiles #twinbies
05/27 - Part of the fun of having a cousin who is close in age is dressing alike! They love it! #BriannaElisabethJo #ChloeJo #cousins #twinning
05/28 - Someone wants to laugh and play today instead of nap. I pretend to mind more than I do :-). #takinglessonsfrombigbro #babyB #BrecklynSarahFaith #twinbies
05/29 - I know this is NOTHING compared to what many of our friend and neighbors are experiencing, but in the 9 years we've lived in this house, I've never seen standing water like this in our yard. And, it's currently pouring rain again. We've only had a few days this month that it hasn't rained. The rain can be beautiful, but I'm so ready to see the sun! Praying for all those whose lives are being affected by the severe flooding!
05/31 - "O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth" Ready to worship this morning! #twinbies #twins #twingirls #BrookeElianaMae #BrecklynSarahFaith #twinstagram #twoistwiceasnice #doubleblessing #Sunday
06/01 - First ponytail! #BrookeElianaMae #babyA #twinbies #almost4months #nottwinponies #poorsisterisbald
06/02 - Somewhere along the way, this little one missed the memo that nap time is the time for SLEEPING. It's a good thing she's cute :-). #BrecklynSarahFaith #babyB #twinbies #nappingstrike #wearingMommaout
06/04 - We've had quite a week around here with lots of appointments . . . Four month vaccinations for the babies, teeth cleanings for the bigs, chiropractic adjustments for everyone, etc. I'm exhausted and it shows (helloooooooo bags under my eyes), but I love my little circus. They brighten my life, remind me of God's love, and keep me busy and tired. I wouldn't trade it! {heart}{heart}{heart} #momof4 #blessedbeyondmeasure #twinbies #Ineedagoodeyecream
06/08 - Just a little morning cheer {heart}{heart}{heart} #twins #twinbies #twingirls #twinstagram #twoistwiceasnice #doubleblessing #BrookeElianaMae #BrecklynSarahFaith
06/08 - And because I love those older stinkers, too! #momof4 #Sunday #lotsoflittles
06/09 - This is how I found my spunky girl napping today (she was asleep but I woke her a bit scrambling to take a photo). It's so HER to be asleep, half hanging off the top bunk. #shekeepsmeonmytoes #risktaker #aintskeered #bigpersonalitiesdobigthings #BriannaElisabethJo
06/10 - Oh ya know, just another bad hair day! #badhairday #channelingbigsister #BrookeElianaMae #babyA
06/14 - You know you're a busy mom of four when right as you're pulling into the church building parking lot, your son say, "I'm still wearing my pajama pants!" Lol . . . Ooooops! At least they were navy sweat pants and not the ones with dinos on them! #momof4 #Sunday #atleasthewaswearingpants
06/15 - Her daddy is painting her nails. She has no idea what a blessed little girl she is! #daddysgirl #BriannaElisabethJo
06/20 - First splash pad experience! The babies didn't enjoy the water or the bright sun, but they loved hanging out with Momma watching big brother and sister play in the water. #wequicklyfoundsomeshade #latergram #twinbies #twins #twingirls #summertimefun
06/25 - While Brecklyn takes an extra long nap, Brooke is having too much fun watching big sister and brother play in the sprinkler. #BrookeElianaMae #summertimefun #cantwaittojointhem
06/27 - Life is so interesting sometimes. I had no idea what blessings my own future held! #twinbies #twingirls #twins #doubleblessing
06/29 - I'm so thankful for this rare moment of snuggles from my big boy while all the other children are sleeping. One-on-one time is something that is currently a pretty big struggle around here. I love this little guy to pieces. #BrensonCharlesJacob #lovethisface #mysweetboy
06/30 - Sharing an Icee on this hot afternoon at the zoo! #BriannaElisabethJo #BrensonCharlesJacob #thebigs #OKCzoo
I love the snapshot of our life that my Instagram posts give! It's not always easy, but I'm loving this season!
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