Friday, June 24, 2016

Father's Day 2016

Father's Day is always sandwiched in a busy time of the year for us. It's generally the Sunday after our VBS (which we're both very involved in putting on), and it also falls during or just before vacation time for us some years. Because of this, we've struggled to establish many Father's Day traditions. Generally, we celebrate by giving a few gifts, going to church, and going out for lunch (which is a typical Sunday anyway minus the gift giving).

I think I mentioned this in this year's Mother's Day post, but our kids have such giving little hearts. They LOVE to give gifts and never even mention that they don't have any to open. 

Chris had a few Father's Day cards he had received in the mail that the girls were giving him. Our kids don't give cards for Mother's/Father's Day because they write/draw/decorate a book for us. 

These little girls ADORE their Daddy. It is SO sweet. (And I think Daddy is pretty head-over-heels for them, as well.)

Chris's gift was on the pricey side this year, so he just had one to open. 

Brianna was waiting patiently to give Daddy a few things she had made for him while the other kids were very interested in what Daddy was opening!

Of course, Daddy wanted Brianna to read him what she had written.

This little girl is also very attached to her Daddy! We truly have three Daddy's girls in our house!

When I was sorting through these photos of Chris with all the kiddos, I started to delete all the ones where someone isn't looking or someone has their eyes closed or someone has a sour look on their face. Then, I decided that it was funny to see all the versions of this photo that were taken. It's hard work getting a decent photo of everyone, but honestly I like the "outtakes" almost as much as the good ones. 

Brenson, Brooke, Daddy, Brecklyn, Brianna

This one is pretty good for a group photo! 

And of course, we had to have a silly one. I'm cracking up at the twins' faces, though. I think they were over it, haha!

I don't want to end this post without saying that our lack of Father's Day activities or celebrating isn't a reflection of the dad Chris is to our babies or our level of appreciation and love for him. He's a hard-working, hands-on, loving dad, and I'm so thankful my children have him in their lives. I also can't talk about Father's Day without recognizing my own dad. He continues to be a faithful man of God, a strong example and leader for our family, and a blessing to us. Happy Father's Day to my favorite two men!

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