Thursday, November 3, 2016

Halloween 2016!

Last year, our Halloween plans were ruined when all four children became sick with respiratory and ear infections. Brecklyn even had pneumonia. It was a big let down for all of us, and I was cautiously optimistic that we wouldn't have a repeat of that this year. 

With moving the first weekend in October, I knew things would still be a little crazy when Halloween rolled around, so I tried to be as prepared as possible in advance. I actually had the kiddos choose their costumes one night back at the beginning of September. I didn't want to be scrambling around trying to find something last minute! I'll add here that everyone was really easy to accommodate except for Brenson (of course). I picked the twins' costumes and just let them choose which one of the two they wanted. Thankfully, they didn't want the same one! Brianna loved her costume from the minute she spotted it, so that was simple enough. Brenson, however, wouldn't even consider anything I was showing him. He's so weird about dressing up in costume. Last year, he absolutely refused to be anything but the same thing he had been the year before. And this year? The only costume I could finally get him to agree to really look at was the one we ended up going with. He has already told me that he'll be wearing this same costume next year, so that will be interesting if it doesn't fit. He's just so strange about costumes!

Our Halloween festivities kicked off with our weekly Library Story Time. We always dress in costume so Ms. Tena (the children's librarian) and the other library patrons can enjoy all the festive kids. 

Brecklyn my ladybug and Brenson my dragon

Brecklyn my ladybug and Brooke my bumblebee

Love my little bug-a-boos!

Next on the agenda was Brianna's school party on Friday, October 28th. I had volunteered to bring food and help out with the party, and all the kids were super excited about it! Brianna was permitted to dress in costume to school that day, so I also let Brenson wear his costume to the party. 

Brenson and Brianna at her class party

It was easier to just put the twins in Halloween shirts instead of their costumes, so we went with that. I had enough going on at the class party to worry about wings, tutus, and antennae!

Brecklyn taking over Brianna's desk :-)

Brooke taking over Emma's spot

I knew the girls would want to eat snacks like everyone else, but I didn't want them eating cookies and candy. I packed them each a little snack traps with some cheerios and yogurt melts, and they were as happy as could be with that. 

I love sharing these moments with my girl <3 .="" nbsp="" p="">

Lest you think everything was happy and smooth at the class party, I'll go ahead and clarify right now that it wasn't. It was actually kind of a fiasco, and I'm sure Brianna's teacher was happy to see us go! In my experience, class parties are complete chaos anyway. All the kids are hyped up on sugar, and it's loud and busy and completely overstimulating. Just after we arrived, the home room mom asked me to pour and serve apple juice to all the kids. I agreed without thinking that I needed both hands and most of my focus to be on my twin toddlers. They were actually doing okay when Brenson spilled Brianna's apple juice all over the floor. Before I could get it cleaned up, Brecklyn emptied the pencil sharpener shavings right into the sticky juice. So, I'm down on my hands and knees trying to clean up this sticky mess when I notice Brooke eating food off the floor (yuck yuck yuck!!!). I take away the food that's in her hand which causes her to start screaming. By this time, Brecklyn has moved on to getting into something else, and I'm still trying to clean up the sticky pencil shavings. UGH. It was a mess! 

So, what do I do when everything is chaos? Take a selfie, of course! Brecklyn was refusing to be included, so only three of four kiddos made the pic. What can I say?

I was just thankful we all survived!

The following Sunday night, we attended the Trunk of Treats event that we look forward to every year. This was our sixth year to go, and we always enjoy it! Russ, Lisa, and Chloe Jo joined us which makes it even more fun. 

Chloe Jo the flight attendant

My sweet little bugs, Brooke and Brecklyn

Love my little crew!

Russ, Lisa, and Chloe Jo

Our ladybug, peacock, dragon, flight attendant, and bumblebee were ready to get some candy!

One of our favorite things about going to Trunk of Treats is that we briefly get to see our LeFlore friends every year. You can just barely see baby Annie (about 10 days old) in the photo. I love how we have two sets of twins between us, but it looks like three in this pic!

The next day (Monday) was Halloween day. We had a low key morning at home, and I was cracking up watching the girls play with a Frankenstein mask that Brianna received at her class party. They were just fascinated with it all day!

Who's under there? Haha.

That evening, we joined Russ, Lisa, and Chloe Jo for their town's Halloween event, Boologah. There is a particular tree in the city park that's the perfect backdrop for taking the kids' photos in their costumes every year. 

Brianna, my beautiful peacock

Brenson, my not-so-scary dragon

Brooke, my cutie-bug bumblebee

Brecklyn, my sweetie bug ladybug

I really wanted a photo of the twins together, but they weren't having it. Forget trying to get a photo of all four! 

It doesn't look like Brooke is enjoying herself in this photo, but really she just didn't want Mommy interrupting her fun to take a picture!

This photo had me rolling when I first saw it! The look on Brianna's face is pure misery. I mean, how dare her parents dress her up in an adorable costume, take her to a festival, and make her get free candy!!! Haha!

We also ran into our friends Sadie, Levi, and Sophia, so we got to walk around with them for a while. 

Our church sets up a table and hands out candy at this event each year. Here we are going by our church's table:

Despite what the photos look like, we really had a great time at Boologah. Afterwards, the dads even took the big kids trick or treating in Russ and Lisa's neighborhood while Lisa, the twins, and I manned Russ and Lisa's {very busy} door. Brooke and Brecklyn thought it was the best thing ever to open the door and find all kinds of characters on the other side! 

Brenson, Chloe Jo, and Brianna

When we finally got home from Boologah and trick or treating, we had a little birthday celebration for Daddy. Really, we just gave him our cards and gifts and sang Happy Birthday to him. His birthday tends to get overlooked a bit since it's on a holiday, but he never seems to mind. The children and I made him this birthday banner, and I think it was his favorite thing. 

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