01/01 - It was three years ago today that one of my biggest fears became a reality when we lost our precious unborn baby to miscarriage. I was privileged to carry that baby for 13 weeks in my womb, and I will carry him forever in my heart. #babyloss #miscarriage #foreverinmyheart
01/05 - I'm taking some time to fill out our family calendar for the next few months. (Yes, I'm old school and still like a paper calendar hanging on my fridge :-). February is my favorite! #birthdaymonth #3ofthebestdaysofmylife #themonthmydreamscametrue #onefourandsix
01/13 - As seen in Brianna's backpack :-) {heart} :-) #BriannaElisabethJo #adventuresinkindergarten
01/16 - We helped cheer the Hillcats to victory tonight and had a great time! Being at the basketball game brought back a flood of good memories from the days when we were season tickets holders and never missed a home game. #gohillcats #rsuhillcats #memories #BriannahasalwayslovedHunter
01/19 - Brooke is normally my smiley, happy baby, but today she has a couple teeth cutting through that are giving her the blues :-(. #teethingisofthedevil #teethingtimestwoisworse #BrookeElianaMae #sadbabygirl
01/21 - Sometimes I wonder how a day can go downhill so fast. We had a great play date this morning, and the kids behaved so well. But this afternoon? It's been tough. The babies are teething and SO fussy, the 3 year old is whiny and defiant, and the 5 year old came home from school bouncing off the walls and refusing to do homework. We've had several moments when 3 of 4 have been crying at the same time, and I've had to tell myself to just breathe. Through it all, I just keep reminding myself that I have a solo trip to the grocery store tonight to look forward to, haha! #lotsoflittles #weareallcranky #teethingisofthedevil
01/23 - I enjoyed a Freezer Meal Workshop with my beautiful friend, Kendall. With 4 littles 5 years old and under, freezer meals make my life SO much easier, and now we have 8 new ones to try! #freezermealworkshop #lotsoflittles #busymom #friendtime
01/25 - Ummmmmm . . . I think I have a problem. #ilovepersonalizedthings #Brensonscollectionisjustasbad #shegotanewoneyesterday
01/26 - My little love bugs! {heart}{heart}{heart} #twins #twingirls #twoistwiceasnice #babyB #BrecklynSarahFaith #babyA #BrookeElianaMae #doubleblessing #almostone #hashtagoverload
01/29 - I'm doing some birthday month prep while the babies nap today! #birthdaymonthbeginsMonday #giftsforfour #Februarybabies #ILoveFebruary #partyallmonthlong
02/01 - Watching these two never gets old. {heart}{heart}{heart} #twins #twingirls #twinbies #twoistwiceasnice #doubletrouble
02/02 - This was me, one year ago and a little over 24 hours from giving birth to our precious twinbies. My entire body ached - and I felt stretched to the MAX - but I was in awe that God created my body with the ability to morph in such a way as to accommodate TWO growing babies. Also, we were incredibly thankful that I was able to carry them full term, and were anxiously anticipating the moment that we would finally hold them in our arms! #twins #twinpregnancy #twinbies #hugebabybelly
02/03 - One year ago today, we welcomed two incredible baby girls into the world and our family. The beauty and blessing of those moments are indescribable. Happy first birthday, Brooke and Brecklyn! We thank God every day for the love He has poured upon us by blessing us with you! #twinbies #twins #firstbirthday
02/07 - "Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, you righteous; And shout for joy, all you upright in heart." #Sunday #praiseGod #lotsoflittles
02/08 - Grocery shopping just got more exciting :-). #twins #twinbies #twingirls #twoistwiceasnice
02/09 - On this little boy's LAST day being 3 years old, I'm soaking him up even more than usual. So far, he's been fairly unimpressed with Momma being in denial about his birthday tomorrow, telling him I'm going to hold him allllll day long, and THEN requesting he take a photo with me :-). Please, my boy, stop growing so fast. #tomorrowheisfour #mylittleman #mommasboy #BrensonCharlesJacob
02/10 - Happy 4th birthday, my sweet boy! #happybirthday #BrensonCharlesJacob #fouryearsoldtoday
02/10 - My favorite boys! #favorites #blueeyedboys
02/12 - We're spending the day at the Children's Discovery Zone learning about burps, toots, barf, urine, and poop! Eeeeep!
02/14 - Happy Valentine's Day from the N six!
02/17 - This was me six years ago today. We were incredibly anxious to meet our first baby girl. It, too, was a Wednesday, and I wasn't scheduled to check into the hospital until 6:00pm. At this point in the afternoon, I was pacing the floors wishing I had SOMETHING to do to keep my hands and head busy. One of the longest afternoons of my life! Haha.
02/18 - Happy 6th birthday to my big girl today! May your light always shine bright!
02/23 - This boy has my heart! {heart}{heart}{heart}
02/27 - What a wild rumpus we had today at our Where the Wild Things Are themed birthday party! Thanks to friends and family who came to show their love to our four wild things! #WTWTA
02/29 - The reason I'm not getting anything done today . . . {heart} #BrookeElianaMae
03/01 - When Momma gets hit with a toy on the nose square between the eyes . . . There was blood and a short discussion regarding the need for a stitch or two. Safe to say, I'm done for today!
03/03 - Two babies who are congested and coughing AND teething means NO sleep for this exhausted Momma. Of course, big brother was up and ready to go bright and early this morning. Life doesn't stop just because I'm tired, so here's to a good day!
03/06 - I'm so glad I documented this information! Who else has meaningful name stories?
03/08 - Some coveted one-on-one time today was just what Miss Spunk and I needed! Love this little mess! {heart}{heart}{heart}
03/09 - While Momma folded laundry . . .
03/11 - Miss Brooke was having some serious conversations :-).
03/14 - We are NOT Tennessee fans, but the girls look so cute in these outfits (that were a gift from my brother's family who ARE fans) that I had to share!
03/15 - On the road again . . .
03/15 - It was the perfect day for a picnic dinner and some park play!
03/17 - Happy Saint Patrick's Day from my little crew!
03/20 - "He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be greatly moved." #praiseGod #Sunday #lotsoflittles
03/21 - We're outdoors enjoying this beautiful, blustery day. Since we're playing in the front yard and the twins are faster than me, I brought the pack n play out to contain them. Bren said, "Oh! You're going to trap them? Great idea, Mom!" Hahaha. It feels so good to soak up the sun!
03/22 - Brecklyn decided she needed to get in a little snuggle time with Bren while watching TV this morning. These two {heart}{heart}{heart}.
03/22 - Bahaha! Some days this is spot on!
03/23 - Although I cook dinner most days, cooking - and especially baking - are not things I enjoy much. I'm not very efficient, and in the kitchen just isn't where my talents lie. However, when your son comes to you for the third day in a row asking if you can pleeeeeeeease bake cookies with him when the babies are out of the way (napping, that is), then you bake the cookies with the boy. And, you might just enjoy yourself along the way :-).
03/25 - Pjs, a sippy cup of milk, and Daddy snuggles. Ahhhh . . . Bedtime.
03/26 - Getting ready to have some fun! #easter2016
03/27 - "Blessed be God, Who has not turned away my prayer, No His mercy from me." #praiseGod #Sunday #lotsoflittles
04/01 - This little lady is our daily ray of sunshine. How is it possible that she is winding down her year in kindergarten?!?
04/02 - So, dinner was good :-).
04/05 - Build-a-superhero-hideout day at Lego Club!
04/12 - Brooke always thinks I'm hilarious, but Brecklyn is harder to convince. #twinbies #bedtimeshenanigans
04/16 - These four bring me so much joy. Thank you, God, for each of their little lives!
04/18 - Daily heart attack brought to you by Brooke Ellie.
04/19 - My daily dose of sweetness {heart}{heart}{heart}. #BrecklynSarahFaith #BrookeElianaMae #twinbies
04/20 - Brooke is at it again! She's sneaky, super fast, and scares me to death!
04/23 - Zoo fun today!
04/25 - Riding double! #twinbies #BrookeElianaMae #BrecklynSarahFaith #builtinBFF
04/26 - We're in our tornado "safe" spot. Some of us think this is more fun than others :-(.
05/01 - We're actually all ready for church a little early this morning (this RARELY happens), so I had a little time to enjoy my oldest girl and my beautiful roses! #BriannaElisabethJo #Sunday #springinOklahoma
05/04 - Twin toddlers can be pure craziness sometimes, but these sweet moments are the best! #BrecklynSarahFaith #BrookeElianaMae #twinbies
05/05 - Y'all. It's been a day around here. My babies are miserable from teething, they barely napped, AND they got immunizations today. It's the worst feeling as a Momma when you can't make it all better. #twinbies #BrookeElianaMae #BrecklynSarahFaith
5/11 - Brianna lost her first tooth at church, so of course she would lose her second tooth at school! She was so excited because she got to go to the office AND pick out a little treasure box for her tooth. #adventuresinkindergarten #BriannaElisabethJo
05/13 - At Brianna's school, they have a program where students can run during recess and earn rewards. Brianna received a medal today for running a total of 25 miles during recesses! We are proud of her for setting a goal and working toward it until she reached it! PS - she doesn't get her love of running from me, unfortunately ;-). #BriannaElisabethJo
05/14 - I wouldn't want to do life without these favorites. Thank God for the beautiful blessing of friendship! #besties
05/20 - Silly little loves {heart}{heart}{heart} #BrookeElianaMae #BrecklynSarahFaith #twinbies
05/20 - When you have twin toddlers who are into EVERYTHING and they're recently learned to open your craft closet, you resort to things like tying the doors together to keep them out. #twinbies #toddlersarenojoke #busybusybabies #fasterthanMomma
05/23 - This one keeps us on our toes, but she sure looks sweet modeling her brother's hat. #BrecklynSarahFaith
05/24 - I'm getting my hair done today by the three cutest stylists I know :-) {heart}{heart}{heart}
06/06 - It's VBS week for us . . . Always one of our favorite weeks of the summer. We're on an adventure through Bible lands and would love to have any of my local friends join us!
06/09 - It's a sprinkler ball kind of day!
06/10 - Having fun in the water and sun! #twinbies #summerinoklahoma
06/15 - #twinbies
06/21 - Toddlerhood. Because refolding laundry is just what I want to do ;-). #BrookeElianaMae
06/23 - I hear comment ALL the time about how I "have my hands full". The comments get old, but the full hands sure don't. Besides, a full heart far outweighs full hands any day!
06/27 - Big cousin is here!
I've missed you Chelley!! I hope you are able to blog again soon!!