Thursday, August 17, 2017

The first day of school . . . for TWO!

Ever since Brianna began public school two years ago - and we discovered we were happy with the school and the situation - we have anticipated that this would be the year Brenson would join her. I spent the better part of last school year preparing Brenson for this big transition by talking about all the details in depth, spending time at the school, and attending the school's morning program "Rise and Shine" frequently. He has been so excited all summer to start school for the first time! 

At the end of July, I took Brianna and Brenson shopping for a few necessary clothing items and school supplies. We ate a Chik-Fil-A, hit up about five different stores, and had a great evening together. Both kids were hardly able to contain their excitement about school!

Even with all the prep work we did to prepare Bren for school, he decided about two weeks ago that maybe he wasn't so excited after all. Every time I would mention school, he would act like he didn't want to talk about it. There were a few times that he even said he wasn't going to go! I had worked so hard to help him mentally gear up for school, so this behavior was a huge disappointment to me. However, two days before the first day the school had an open house. Bren was able to see his classroom, drop off his school supplies, and meet his teachers. He was once again so excited and full of smiles about school. In fact, he said that night that he wished he could start school the next day instead of waiting two days!

Checking out Bren's KINDERGARTEN classroom!

Meeting Bren's teacher, Mrs. T

During open house, we also went to see Brianna's 2nd grade classroom, drop off her school supplies, and meet her new teacher. Before going up to the school that night, Brianna was so keyed up about it all that I had to tell her multiple times to find her self control. There wasn't an apprehensive bone in her body!

Meeting Brianna's 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. C

We love our elementary school and are thrilled that we were able to stay there when we moved last fall. 



My two big kids . . . ready to start another school year!

School was scheduled to begin TODAY (Thursday, August 17th) bright and early. This has been a very strange August for us weather-wise, as we've had lots of rain, thunderstorms, and even tornadoes! Last night around 9:00pm. a large thunderstorm rolled through our area, and many houses and businesses (including ours) ended up being without power for several hours. I was concerned that the school would not have power and therefore not be in session for the first day. However, the power resumed around 1:00am, and everything was good to go for school this morning!

Brianna, my BIG second grader

She was so ready to get things started!

Brenson was also very eager this morning. 

I can't believe my little man is starting Kindergarten!

These two were quite the pair of excited kiddos this morning!

Brooke and Brecklyn were even pumped for the new school year. They begged to be in a photo, too. You know I'm not going to turn that down!

TWO kids in school!

We all went to the school to wish Brenson and Brianna well this morning. I had to choke back the tears watching them walk in . . . I did cry later, but I held it together in that moment!

I love that our school has a morning program that we can attend any time we want. Of course, this morning it was super crowded (and HOT . . . the school had been without power as well, and the AC did not come back on when the power did), but I wouldn't have missed it. I stood by Bren and his class with Brecklyn, and watching him be so big and try to do all the motions and follow directions just made me SO emotional! I wasn't sure if I was going to make it without a break down, ha!

Chris stood over by Brianna's class with Brooke, and she immediately found her friends and her groove! 

Our neighbor's granddaughter, Charley, is also a second grader at our school. Charley spends a lot of time at our house, and Brooke was super excited to see her at school. She ran over to give her hugs!

After Rise and Shine, parents were invited to walk their students to class. It worked out perfectly for us. We walked Bren to his class and got him settled for just a minute. He was all smiles and excitement (which made this process so much easier on me!)

Just as were walked out of Brenson's classroom, Brianna's class walked by on the way to her room. I loved seeing her so confident and comfortable and ready to go!

Of course, she didn't need any help getting settled. She was thrilled to have some of her friends from last year in her class again!

After walking out of the school, I got pretty emotional. I thought it would be easier this year since we are so familiar with the school and teachers, but I was wrong! I was still super hard to leave them both. Brecklyn cried when we got in the van because we "forgot Anna and Boogie", so she and I just had a little moment together! I think this will be a great year for everyone, and I'm looking forward to watching the changes and growth in all my kiddos.

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