Monday, November 23, 2020

Florida 2020: I'm Too Excited To Sleep!

After planning for a whole year, tomorrow is the day we leave for our Florida vacation! To say there is a crazy bit of excitement in our house tonight would be an understatement!

We revealed the surprise about our trip to the kiddos a few weeks ago, and it has been non-stop questions and conversations about it ever since. In fact, I had to limit the children to one question about our trip per day for a while! We have been working hard to get school squared away, get all the things we need or think we might need, and get bags packed. Tonight before bed, we ripped off the very last link on our countdown chain. Eeeeep!

I'm going to rewind just a minute and share with you all about how we thought our trip might be in serious jeopardy. Last Tuesday, Brooke woke up very congested. She sneezed and blew her nose all day, then started running a fever on Wednesday. I couldn't believe the luck! We haven't been sick at all . . . not even a sniffle . . . since February when several of us had the flu. WHY NOW?!?

At first I thought it was no big deal. I mean, it was just a runny nose, right? Then the fever hit, and I became super nervous. THEN, Brecklyn came down with the exact same symptoms . . . a runny nose and congestion on Thursday and a fever on Friday. Thankfully, the fever only lasted about 24 hours before they were completely fine. I went back and forth between thinking everything is going to be fine and writing the whole trip off. Chris and I even talked about driving the 19 hours to Florida to give the kiddos a little extra time to start feeling better. There have even been tears (from me!).

Of course, just to make this game a little more fun, both of the big kids started sneezing and had runny noses on Saturday evening, followed by low-grade fevers on Sunday. I just kept thinking WHAT IS HAPPENING?!? We have been super careful about going in public for the past two weeks, yet this happens anyway. Wahhhhhh!

However, this morning (Monday) everyone woke up feeling completely fine. No fevers. No sneezing. Minimal runny noses. So we kicked vacation prep into high gear and busted it around here!

We are all so ready to go!

We even made time for all of the girls to go get surprise pedicures. I mean, we need pretty toes for the beach, right?!? They were so happy (who am I kidding . . . I was too!), and Brianna even asked what other surprises we have up our sleeves. They still don't know that we'll be on vacation with the S family, and I can't wait to see their reactions at the airport tomorrow!

After all the emotional ups and downs of the past several days, along with sick kiddos and allllll the work preparing for our trip, I thought for sure I'd be ready to fall into bed and go straight to sleep tonight. But alas, I'm too excited to sleep! 😁😄😊😀😃

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