Thursday, April 8, 2021

Egg Hunting Twenty-One

I mentioned in my last post that coloring Easter eggs is one of my favorite holiday traditions. Right up there with that is also our annual Easter gathering with our framily. I'm so thankful we established this early on and have held on to it for over a decade now.

Sometimes, I think that I hold to these activities a little tighter because I know it won't always be like this. I truly try to never take time for granted, but holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas will probably always be celebrated with our children in some way. However, Easter egg hunts, coloring eggs, and Easter baskets probably have an expiration date that's coming sooner rather than later. As my kiddos get closer and closer to outgrowing these "little kid" traditions, I find myself soaking them up more and more. 

We typically trade off hosting our annual Easter egg hunt with Ross and Tia. They are currently living in a rental house in Tulsa that doesn't have a great backyard, so we thought it would be best for us to host the egg hunt this year. Mom, Dad, and the Earls joined us, too!

The cutest bunch of kids around . . . Chloe, Brianna, Brenson, Brecklyn, Brooke, Sadie, and Caroline

Ready to hunt those eggs! Yes, the big kids were humoring us, haha!

Easter baskets or cute hats?!? 

Listening to the egg hunt rules . . .

Almost ready . . . the egg hunt director may have been a bit wordy

And . . . GO!
Brecklyn, Sadie, Ross, Brooke, and Caroline

Sadie and Brooke




Bren, Brianna, and Chloe

We designated a "big kid" area and a "little kid" area. The little kids may have cleaned up their area faster than the big kids!

Brecklyn, Caroline, Brooke, and Sadie

This year, we tried something different and stuffed a 100 piece puzzle in the eggs. A few eggs had candy, but most of them contained puzzle pieces. The little girls really liked this and put their puzzle together fairly quickly. The big kids didn't complain, but I don't think they really liked getting puzzle pieces. Also, they ended up being one egg of pieces short (and we still haven't found it). 

After the egg hunt, we ate a delicious meal together. Grampy was teaching online classes this day, but he was able to join us in time for food. Then, we went outside and enjoyed the fabulous weather. The guys played catch while the girls listened to Lisa play her Ukulele for us on the back porch. Love these times!

After a while, we invited the kids indoors to decorate cookies. Brenson preferred to stay outside with the guys, but all the girls were excited (despite what Brecklyn's face says, haha!)

  I'm so grateful for these traditions and these people!

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