Saturday, October 2, 2021

September Round-Up!

It feels like we have just really found our groove with the new school year, but somehow September is already over. It was a busy month, and here are some of the things we had going on during the month!

We love Brecklyn's teacher, Mrs. W. She is great to take photos of the kiddos throughout the day and share them to the class's private FB page. I love seeing pics of my sweet girl at school! Her paper says, "If I ate a watermelon, I would look green and red and black." 

Having the twins back in public school has been a big adjustment for everyone. Some days, they come home and just need a little rest.

Sweet Brecklyn

It's cross country season, and the big kids have been running their little legs off! Earlier in the month they had a meet in Foyil, and they were thrilled when their *now retired* PE teacher Mrs. S came to cheer them on!

She will always be one of our very favorite teachers!

Ever since the twins were born, I have struggled with seasonal allergies this time of year. It seems that Brecklyn has the same struggle. One night, I walked into the girls' room to find this:

Of course, I had to look really closely to even find Brecklyn amid all the stuffies in her bed! Poor girl was sleeping with a tissue box!

Last year,  the big kids did an ELA curriculum for homeschool that we didn't end up loving. I switched to a different company this year, and we have really enjoyed it so far. The new ELA curriculum we are using includes English, grammar, reading, vocabulary, spelling, geography, art, and social studies. As part of Bren's studies, he had to made gnocchi. It was very tasty!

The second week of September is our Gospel meeting week at church, and it's always one of the best weeks of the year. This year, Tommy Stacks was our speaker. His granddaughter, Khloe, was able to attend each night. She's just about a month older than Brooke and Brecklyn, and they all really enjoyed one another!

Growing in God's word together - Shane, Khloe, Caroline, Brooke, Sadie, and Brecklyn

About a month ago, Tia, Jordan, Jennifer, and I all planned a much needed girls night out. We were going to get a hotel room for the night, eat yummy food, and just spend quality time together. It had been a long time since we had all been out together, and we were all looking forward to it. A few weeks ago, however, Jordan received the devastating news that her liver was failing and that she probably didn't have much time left on this earth. Of course, we canceled our plans and rallied around Jordan instead. But she wanted us to go. She asked multiple times that we just go. Without her. So Jennifer, Tia, and I went out without Jordan. We didn't do the whole overnight thing. We just couldn't. But, we did go to dinner and back to Jennifer's for coffee and visiting. It felt terrible and not terrible . . . it was hard and good . . . we had laughter and tears. I'm glad we went, even as impossible as it was. And then, Jordan passed away yesterday. I'll do a whole separate post about her when I'm able to process things a little more. 

Because of the situation surrounding the evening, we didn't take any photos of the three of us together. We just couldn't. I did, however, take the photo below to send to Chris. Tia took us by their shop to show us around after dinner, and I wanted Chris to see where I was. I look really happy in the photo - and there were happy moments for sure - but overall it was a really hard night. 

Finally, September brought with it homecoming week at school which means spirit days. One of the spirit days this year was dressing in beach/Hawaiian wear, and the twins had the perfect skirts in their closet for this! 

September was a month of ups and downs . . . hard times and good times. I guess every month is a bit like that, but the dichotomy between joy and sorrow seems a little more prominent right now. I just always try to remember how grateful we are for a good and faithful God during every season of life!

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