Monday, February 14, 2022

Brenson is Ten Years Old!

It's officially been a whole decade of loving my sweet boy. Brenson is now TEN years old!

Bren's birthday was on a Thursday this year, and despite him acting like it was no big deal, he was excited for it. He requested lemon poppyseed muffins for his birthday breakfast, so that's what he got!

I recycled the Star Wars decorations from last year since he still loves Star Wars. I can't believe my boy is in double-digits now!


After breakfast, we let Brenson open his birthday gifts. As always, he began with the cards :-).

We bought him some engines for a rocket he got for Christmas, 

and three Wii games!

His "big" gift was a snap circuit kit. He wasn't sure about it at first, but he's enjoyed using it a lot since receiving it.

Brooke and Brecklyn thought it was unfair that they had to go to school on Bren's birthday, but as soon as he finished opening his gifts, away they went. Hugs first, though!

Even though we sent the little girls to school, we took a day off from homeschooling. Bren spent the morning playing his new Wii games, and that made him perfectly happy. Then, we went to El Azteca for lunch. 

Love my boy!

Doesn't he look cute in a sombrero?!?

That afternoon, Grampy took Bren to basketball practice (Chris was working and I needed to pick the girls up from school). Bren told one of his teammates it was his birthday, and that teammate announced it to everyone else. Bren said he was embarrassed, but I think he like it!

G-Jo came over to our house, and after Grampy and Bren returned from ball practice, we ate dinner. Bren requested ham, salad, and sweet potatoes for his birthday meal. I also made green bean casserole to go along with it, although Bren didn't touch it. Green beans are not his favorite! It didn't matter, though, because I'm pretty sure Bren ate half of the sweet potatoes by himself, haha. 

Bren doesn't love cake, so he asked for ice cream sandwiches for his birthday dessert instead.

Make a wish!

After singing Happy Birthday and eating dessert, Bren opened a few gifts from Grampy and G-Jo. One of the gifts was Uno Triple Play. Of course, we had to try the game out right then!

Even though we kept things low key, I think Bren really enjoyed his day. We are certainly thankful for him, and were happy to celebrate the special boy he is. Happy birthday, Bren! We love you so much!

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