Tuesday, September 27, 2022

A little over an hour from where we live is a place called Har-Ber Village. We have never visited before, so when the P family invited us to visit with them, we said yes. We're always up for a new experience and an adventure!

Har-Ber Village is a Pioneer Era living museum that sits on about six acres on Grand Lake. We chose to visit during Pioneer Days when they have several special activities going on. The day we were there was pretty busy as it was "homeschool day", but we still had a great time. The weather and the scenery were both beautiful!

We met Rebekah, Hayden, and Avery there around 10:00am. Chloe was out of school that day, so she came with us which made for extra fun! 

Avery, Hayden, Brianna, Bren, and Chloe exploring an old car.

We loved seeing all the pioneer activities, and the lake view in the background was just perfect!

So many things were hands-on, which was great for the kids. They got to see first-hand how hard pioneers had to work in life. Here, the kids are building a fence.

They also got to see what life was like in a one-room schoolhouse. Of course, my kids weren't too phased by this being homeschoolers, but it was certainly interesting to see!

Chloe, Brianna, and Brenson at the water-wheel

There are so many things in life we take for granted! The kids thought grinding corn was less than fun!

After a few hours of exploring, we decided to have a picnic lunch in the grass. The grounds are so nice, and we loved eating outdoors. It was much better than buying food in the cafe!

After lunch, we had plenty more exploring to do. But first, the kids had to go to jail!

There was a real blacksmith set up in the center of the village, and this was easily Brenson favorite part of the day. He has seen a blacksmith in action several times, but it's still so interesting to him. 

One of Brianna's favorite things was the old fashioned "printing press". 

I'm not sure anyone really enjoyed washing the laundry, but I love that they were able to experience what it was like. Maybe they won't ever complain about doing laundry at home again, haha.

Bren and Chloe

Bri and Bren

It was a really fun day, and I hope to be able to bring Brooke and Brecklyn back here next year. It's amazing how much life has changed in just a century or two, and we loved experienced just a taste of what life was like back in the pioneer days!

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