Sunday, October 26, 2008

Out with the old, in with the new

After college, Chris landed his first grown-up job with e2M, Inc as an Environmental Consultant. His job, while such a blessing to us in many ways, required him to travel about 60-70 percent of the time, which we hated (most of the time) *grin*.

Chris & Chelle on a business trip in St. Croix... thanks e2M!

He's been casually looking for a new job for a couple years. While he's been blessed to travel to some really cool places (all over the US, St. Croix, Japan, etc), traveling so much was hard on us, our marriage, our friendships, etc. We knew that we certainly didn't want him gone so much after we had children, so when we got really serious about the baby stuff (as in seeing the specialist, surgery, treatments, etc), he got really serious about finding a new job.

The Lord willing, he will begin his new job tomorrow! Yay! Just finding the new job has been a HUGE blessing, so hopefully it won't disappoint.


Angie said...

I am so happy for you both!

Tracy said...

Congrats, Chris. Were proud of you!