Chris and I bought a new a camera that apparently I don't know how to use very well yet. However, I wanted to post this pic of me (bad quality and all), 35 weeks pregnant!
We had an appointment with Dr. N a couple days ago, and received GREAT news. The baby has turned and is now head-down!
hooooo! When she was breach, our c-section would have been around February 16
th, which means we had less than a month to go. Now, we're not sure how long we might have, but that's okay. I am getting anxious to meet her though!
We have two more baby showers this weekend... actually, one is tonight (my work shower) and one is Saturday. Next week we have our last birthing class. And then? I guess we wait for her big debut!
I am super excited to meet her!!!
...and a star will be born!
You look great! And I am so glad to hear that you're daughter changed positions for you! A true miracle. Congratulations and best wishes!
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