Thursday, March 1, 2018

February Round-Up!

As you all know, February is a BIG month for us with all the kids' birthdays. However, in between all the birthday partying and birthday trip, we had a lot of other things going on, as well. We aren't typically people who enjoy having every day filled with activities and a constant flurry of go-go-go, but sometimes that's just the way things work out. 

At the beginning of the month, the twins and I joined our friend, Sadie, on her class field trip to the local Aquarium. We don't visit the Aquarium too often, so Brooke and Brecklyn were very excited about this little outing. 

Sadie, Brooke, Brecklyn

Brooke and Brecklyn watching a diver in one of the tanks

The girls were so cute as they fell right in line with the "Red Class". They looked and acted like they belonged with the group!

They loved these stingrays! 

This aquarium is home to an impressive shark tank. The girls were unsure about it at first, but quickly became fascinated.

Brooke, Brecklyn

It had been a good while since I had been to the aquarium, as well. There was a new exhibit I had not yet seen, and we thought it was great! I love how the guests could go down in this tube and feel like they are part of the underwater life.

Beach bums :-)

I'm not really sure why I ever pay to do these photo booth things. The lighting is typically terrible, the kids never want to look, and the photos are generally just not flattering. But, I apparently had a lapse in judgment and this was the result:

We are still getting the kids chiropractic adjustments every month. The twins have been adjusted since they were just weeks old, and they tell me if something is out of alignment. It's really incredible because they are so used to everything being where it should be. They both had a little bout with congestion and earaches this month, so I took them in for an extra adjustment. While waiting for Dr. Cory to come in the adjustment room, Brecklyn decided to adjust baby Annie.

Then, Brooke had a go at it. Baby Annie should be good to go!

The kids' school has a program called AR where the kids read books, take tests on the computer over the books, and earn points to get in point clubs. Brianna has never been a fan of AR because she doesn't like to take the tests. I don't really mind this, though, because she loves to read, reads well, and reads often. However, the school pushes AR, and Brianna's teacher has been encouraging Brianna to try and reach the 25 point club. She is more than capable, she's just not motivated to test :-). As a way to help motivate her and help her prove to herself that she is capable, I told her that once she reached the 25 point club, she could get her ears pierced. She's been wanting to do this for a couple years, so I figured it would be a good motivator. I was right! After making that agreement, it didn't take her long at all to reach the 25 point club.

The day she made the 25 point club was Friday, February 9th. As soon as Daddy got home from work, we loaded up and headed to a nearby town for Brianna to get her ears pierced. 

She was very brave and never wavered that she wanted to have them done. Exactly what I would expect from her :-)

All done!

She is so very proud of her earrings and can't wait to be able to start changing them out. 

After the ear piercing, we decided to be a little crazy and take the kids to a hibachi grill. Chris and I both really like hibachi, but we've never taken our whole crew.

Brenson, Brecklyn, Daddy

Momma, Brooke, Brianna

The kids were just mesmerized by everything, and they were SO good. Of course, I may have scared them a little by telling them if they didn't behave they could catch on fire. 

Brenson could hardly eat for watching the cook :-).

Brooke was telling me alllllll about what was going on.

The whole experience was really nice. We hope that since the children are a little older now, we can do things like this more often.

It's funny how different kids respond to things differently. While Brianna kind of hates AR, Brenson is very motivated by it. He's a good little reader, and he loves to read and take those tests. Because of this, he was named "Top Reader" for his class one week this month. I just happened to be at Rise and Shine the day he was recognized (I didn't know).

Walking through the Top Reader Tuesday Tunnel made by the teachers

Happy for my little Top Reader!

Brenson is not only serious about school and reading, but he's very serious about his guitar lessons, as well. He's done really well during his first month of lessons!

I caught this cute pic of Brecklyn practicing to be a good reader in her heels and cupcake headband. Because of course!

I think I mentioned this last month, but both of the little girls have really started to want to dress up more often. I can't get over the cuteness!


Brecklyn, Brooke

This month was also Valentine's Day! Chris and I never really celebrated Valentine's Day (I just don't personally like it), and now that we have so many birthday in February, I'm thankful Valentine's Day isn't a thing for us. G-Jo did send each of the kids a little something that they opened at breakfast that morning.

And, the big kids both had a V-day party at school. We decided to make Valentines this year instead of buy them, and they turned out so cute!



We had tentatively planned to join the Bri and Bren for their parties, but Valentine's Day was one of the days that the twins weren't feeling too great. We decided to skip the class parties, and I'll admit that I wasn't sad!

Bren's photo from his class party:

Although Chris and I didn't go out for Valentine's Day, I did manage to escape with some friends a few nights this month. 

Lisa and I went to a Girl's Night Out at a local boutique.

Tia and I stole away for a dinner and dessert one Friday evening. This was actually a late celebration of our November birthdays *sigh*.

And, I met Angie for dinner one evening to visit and catch-up on life!

I'm so very grateful for a husband who's willing to do dinner and bedtime solo so I can have some much-needed time with friends and away from the house!

Speaking of my husband, he is such a good Daddy. I caught this photo of him brushing Brianna's hair one evening, and I just love it!

Finally, this week is Dr. Seuss week at school, which means the kids get to dress up each day. One day was crazy hair or crazy hat day. Days like these make Brianna so happy!

She loved that I braided fake teal and pink hair into her real hair!

Bren didn't really want anything to do with crazy hair, so he chose this "crazy" hat instead. When I asked him what made the hat crazy, he said, "It's bright!" Okay, son, if you say so! Haha.

That's a wrap on February!

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