Friday, November 30, 2018

November Round-Up!

As we're finishing up the next to last month of the year, I am so thankful for these little round-up posts I've published this year! My goal is the tell the story of our lives, and that includes so much more than just the "big" things. I love all the little details and side-stories that are captured in my monthly round-ups! Here are some of those little things from the month of November.

Brianna and Brenson bring home school papers almost every day. I have a place where I typically keep them for about a week (to give Daddy a chance to look at them), then I throw them out. I just can't keep everything - or even close to everything - and I really don't want to. However, some things I like to take pics of to look back on, and the paper below is one of those things. I love that Bren thinks spiders are good pets, and I'm sure that's due in part to us having a "pet" spider during the summer and early fall *RIP Charlotte . . . sniff*.

The day after Halloween, Brooke, Brecklyn, and I ran to Wal-mart to get a few groceries. While we were there, I let each of the girls pick out a clearanced Halloween costume to use for dress-up. They have been living in these little dresses since they got them!

However, the girls' dress-up drawer was already over crowded and a huge mess, so adding two more dresses to it just caused a big problem. I've never loved their dress-up drawer anyhow because every time they wanted something out of it, they would pull everything out. Then, because it was so full, they really weren't able to pick everything up without help and have the drawer close. I decided it was time for a change! To help with this problem, I purchased two metal hangars with five hooks each from Hobby Lobby. Chris helped me hang them on the wall where their bow holder was (I moved it to the back of the door, and that works great!). I also purchased the cute little sign to kind of tie the area together. Now, the girls can easily access and pick up their dresses, and they love having them on display in their room. WIN!

I'm always a little reluctant to write about things like this because I don't want to advertise our good deeds, but I do want my kids to be able to remember the things like this that we did. The kids' school does a food drive for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and all the food is given to families from the school. Each grade has a list of items to donate, so one day after school I took all the kids to Wal-mart to buy groceries from the list. 

I had set a budget, and we were really able to get quite a bit to donate to the food drive! We are so grateful for our material blessings, and we love being able to pass some of that on to others in our community.

I'm pretty sure this is included in every round-up post I write, but we love our sunrises. LOVE.

We had some beautiful weather this month, so one day I decided to take advantage of it by taking the little girls to the zoo. I had recently changed purses, and half way to the zoo I realized that I may not have my zoo pass in my new purse. I pulled over to check, and sure enough I didn't have it with me. No biggie, I thought, I'll just call the zoo and see if I can get in with my driver's license. I reached for my phone and realized I had also left that at home. Booooo. I debated for a second about what to do, but finally decided to turn around and go back home. When the big kids are at school, I keep my phone close in case the school needs to get a hold of me, so I didn't want to be gone most of the day without it. The girls were really disappointed, and I felt bad about the whole thing. In an attempt to salvage the day, I took them to the park and we did a nature scavenger hunt before playing (after I went home and got my phone, of course). They loved it!

They quickly forgot about the zoo disappointment and embraced the change in activities. On days like these, I'm thankful for grace and flexibility!

 I love looking down and seeing my little people in my hand and by my side 💓.

Brenson has been having a bit of a hard time at school. There's a boy in his class that he's not getting along with too well, and that has resulted in some conversations between the counselor and myself, as well as the principal and myself. I think everything is going to be okay, but I've noticed some out of character behavior from him at home. I think it's all part of him trying to process and work through things. One day, I had to laugh when I saw him reading upside down!

The twins are at an age where they LOVE games. I got them a new game called Yeti in My Spaghetti, and we spent a lazy morning playing it with messy hair in our pjs. I love the leftover Halloween tattoo on Brooke's arm :-).

Brianna reached a big goal she had set when she earned her 50 mile running medal on November 9th! She really wants to get her 100 mile medal this year (she's never done that before), and she's serious about it! Most days, she runs between 1.2 and 1.8 miles at recess. WOW!!!

Mrs. S placing Bri's medal around her neck

Running a victory lap!

Mrs. S (the PE teacher) inspires Brianna and cheers her on!

Ava and Brianna are the first two third graders to earn their 50 mile medal.

Brianna isn't the only one crushing goals this month . . . Brenson reached the 50 point AR club! Whoo-hoo!

Brecklyn has been a toot lately. but I love watching her little personality shine. One day, she put on my boots, and when I tried to take her photo, this series of pics is what I got, haha.

I have heard that this winter is supposed to be cold and wet. This makes me happy as I love snow and winter weather! On November 12th, we had our first snowfall of the season! It snowed big, beautiful flakes for hours, but not much of it stuck. It was still gorgeous, and I hope it's a sign of things to come! The big kids still had school, and the little girls and I enjoyed a day at home. I painted their nails, and of course we had to take a pic outside to show the snow!

Brooke, Brecklyn

After we came inside, they found these wax lips they'd gotten for Halloween. These two keep me laughing all day long!

Brecklyn, Brooke

A few weeks later, we were getting ready to leave the house in the blustery cold so they put on these stocking caps Papa got them for Christmas last year. Cuties!

Brecklyn, Brooke

We decorated most of the inside of the house for Christmas the day before Thanksgiving (except our big tree . . . it still hasn't gone up!). I let the kids get out their Christmas pjs this week, and we're ready to soak up the season!

Bren, Brooke, Brecklyn, Brianna

Yesterday, the little girls and I went shopping (I'm almost finished with all my Christmas shopping, yay!). One store had these precious reindeer dresses for $10 apiece. I couldn't pass them up, and girls can't wait to wear them!

Brecklyn, Brooke

While we were out and about, I took them to Olive Garden for lunch. I'm pretty sure this was their first time to go there, and they ate and ate!

I'll forever cherish these little lunch dates with my babies!

Despite some sickness and things not going according to plan (you can read about it here), this has been a good month! We are all excited for the Christmas season and all the fun that brings!

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