Friday, July 1, 2022

Instagram Dump January - June 2022

It's time for another Instagram Dump post! This is a great snapshot of our life from January through June of 2022.

01/08 - It was a ๐Ÿ€basketball๐Ÿ€ kind of Saturday! #BrensonCharlesJacob #fantasticfourth #lilballer๐Ÿ€ #OPALions๐Ÿฆ

01/24 - Nailed it!

01/27 - The 100th day of school means dressing up like we're 100 years old ๐Ÿ˜‚. They make the cutest little old ladies! And of course, I had to include pics of Bri and Bren when they dressed up as 100 year olds in first grade, too ๐Ÿ˜.#twinbies #oldladytwins #flourishinginfirst #100thdayofschool #BrookeElianaMae #BrecklynSarahFaith

01/31 - Our lil baller had a fan club there to cheer him on tonight. They didn't get the W, but it was still fun to watch him play! ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿงบ๐Ÿ€ #OPAlions #fantasticfourth #basketball #BrensonCharlesJacob

02/03 - A โ„snow dayโ„ is what they wanted for their birthday, and that's what they got! We've already had a fun morning taking pictures in our cute birthday dresses, opening a few gifts, venturing out into the snow for just a minute, and baking birthday cupcakes! Happy โ„7thโ„ birthday to our twibies, Brooke & Brecklyn! You are so loved! #twinbies #twingirls #birthday #sevenyearsold #birthdaysnow #BrookeElianaMae #BrecklynSarahFaith 

02/04 - It's been a looooong while since I've done much paper crafting, and I forgot how therapeutic it is for me. Yay for carving out the time for some old hobbies!

02/09 - The girl comes by it honest. These are some of my favorite things!!! ๐Ÿ˜ #fabulousfirst #BrecklynSarahFaith #explorealltheplaces #havetheadventures

02/10 - It's been a whole decade of loving my serious, thoughtful, caring, and favorite boy. I always knew I wanted to be a girl mom, but I couldn't imagine my life without my son! Happy TENTH birthday, Brenson! #birthday #10yearsold #BrensonCharlesJacob #adecadeofyou

02/14 - Happy Valentine's Day from 3/4 of my crew. I have one down with an ugly stomach bug. Brecklyn was so excited for her Valentine's party at school today. She missed her fall party because we were out of town, she missed her Christmas party because she was sick, and we had a snow da on her birthday. She could not wait for her party today, and she was not disappointed! Also, I love what her sweet teacher wrote about her! ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’˜

02/15 - The past few months have been a trying and difficult time for our family. Chris has been unemployed since before Christmas, and that's not something we've ever experienced before.

Despite our best efforts to keep a positive attitude and hopeful spirit, we've had some hard days. Scary days. Down days. Days when we've had to constantly remind ourselves that God holds the future, and true hope and security is ONLY found in Him. 

Even though the wait has been difficult, we have felt peaceful. We have been comforted. We have soaked up the extra time we've been given as a family. To God be the glory!

And now, we begin a new chapter. A chapter that is full of unknowns and where Chris is working from home full-time. A chapter that holds freedoms that may lead us on new adventures. A chapter that we've prayed for and where we know God's faithfulness will be evident. 

It's an exciting time. We are grateful beyond words with how things have worked out so far, but even when change is good it can feel really scary, too. Sometimes, the best things and the hardest things are the same. 

02/18 - Twelve years ago my life was turned upside down by this little lady in the BEST sort of way. She's still a light and a joy and always has hilarious facial expressions. Happy 12th birthday, Brianna! #BriannaElisabethJo #birthdaygirl #twelveyearsold #sensationalsixth

02/22 - My Twinbies on Twos-day, 2-22-22 ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’œ

02/24 - My heart is so heavy for Ukraine right now. Most of you probably don't know this, but I spent quite a bit of time in Ukraine as a teenager (a total of about 6 months between 1994-2001). My parents lived there when I was in college. It's not just a country on the evening news . . . it's a country full of dear loved ones with real faces and names and life stories. Ukraine and Ukrainians will always have a special place in my heart ๐Ÿ’“.

02/26 - Brecklyn and Brooke LOVE crafting, and often come up with the cutest little creations. When they asked me if they could keep an empty tissue box, I figured they were just going to play with it. Instead, they painted it, put streamers on it, and attached a ribbon handle to create a perfect little carrier for their animals. I love seeing the stuff they come up with! #twinbies #craftygirls #sevenyearsold #theycomebyithonestly๐Ÿ˜

02/27 - My dad doing mission work in Ukraine, wearing the ushanka like a boss - circa 2000. Please pray for the Ukrainians! ๐Ÿ’“

02/28 - Repost from my sister

Kyiv, Ukraine
Chelley and I on top of Headman Statue with Sceptre - 1994
Pray for Ukraine

03/01 - Tonight was the last game of the season for these boys, and they came away with the W. It's been a good season and SO much fun watching Bren play and grow as a baller! He's had a busy last five days with three basketball games and his first track practice of the season, but he left it all on the court tonight. ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿงบ๐Ÿ€ #lilballer #BrensonCharlesJacob #OPAlions #fantasticfourth

03/02 - I'm heartbroken for the city of Kharkiv ๐Ÿ’”
Repost from my sister

Standing with Chelley and Helena, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 1994
During our first family trip to Ukraine, we took an overnight train to Kharkiv to do some work there. If I remember correctly, I believe Mom and Dad briefly considered moving us there to do full-time mission work. The overnight train was quite an experience. We had a berth all to ourselves with 2 seats that folded into beds and two murphy style beds above the seats. They were very narrow and not comfortable to us. The facilities on the train were tiny rooms with holes in the floor so you relieved yourself straight on to the train tracks. I wish I had enjoyed and learned from the experience more, but as a 12 year old it was hard for me to get past the cultural differences, the odd to me smells and behaviors of the people around me.
We met a lovely group of Christians in Kharkiv including Helena who was around my age. The Christians in Ukraine (and really any country I have been to) were proud of their city and would take us around to show us the sights. Helena went with us and we got to know her better. At that time I was still a bit of a tomboy and I didnโ€™t care so much about fashion or hair. It had rained while we were in Kharkiv and I was trudging through water and puddles, not really caring about how wet and dirty I was getting because I was looking and watching and seeing this new and different culture for the first time. Pretty soon I had splashed muddy water all over my jeans and I can distinctly remember (and hear) Helena saying to my sister, โ€œshe is a dirty girl. Why is she such a dirty girl?โ€
I have lost touch with Helena, but I hope and pray she is safe at this time.
Pray for Ukraine.

03/07 - An impromptu coffee date with my sweet friend was just what this day needed. So glad we got to catch up a bit today!

03/11 - Happy first day of "Spring Break"! I know a lot of people are ready for warmer weather, but these days are some of my favorites! I'm so grateful for one more solid snow this season โ„๐ŸŒจโ„.

03/14 - Breakfast and pedicures with one of my best gals . . . love this lady and so thankful for her!

03/15 - It was a beautiful afternoon at the lake with friends! The boys were living their best life exploring and scootering all around, and the girls made us laugh when they had a "Boston Moss Party" and threw chunks of moss into "the sea" ๐Ÿ˜‚. I'm thankful our boys became friends in kindergarten, and that friendship led to fun afternoons like this!

03/16 - Today was another fun Spring Break day. We joined some friends at the local Will Rogers Memorial for aviation day. The kids got to play, do some crafts, sit in a helicopter, and explore a fire truck. We are grateful for these events in our town!

03/17 - Happy St. Paddy's Day, everyone ๐Ÿ€! We had a fun day dressing in our green, having Lucky Charms with green milk and muffins for breakfast, and then spending part of the day with some of our favorites at The Gathering Place (I think all of Tulsa was there . . . whew!). As I told my friend, these are the days! I'm so grateful for them.

03/22 - Happy birthday to my niece, Abby! I can't believe you're 18. We hope you have the best day!

04/02 - It was a beautiful day for a track meet! Bri and Bren had a good first meet of the season, and especially enjoyed the field events. We were happy to have a few visitors there to help us cheer them on!

04/09 - Track took us to Guthrie, OK today for a meet. Bri and Bren both improved their distance from their last meet in shot put and discus. Bren ran hurdles and tried the high jump for the first time, and Brianna improved her long jump distance ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘.

04/12 - Bren competed in hurdles for the first time this past Saturday. I love this photo of him during the meet!

04/16 - We decided to have some egg coloring fun on this rainy, cool day. ๐Ÿฃ

04/21 - ๐Ÿ”ฅ100%๐Ÿ”ฅ

04/25 - ๐Ÿ’–My people๐Ÿ’–

04/25 - New look ๐Ÿ‘€ . . . who dis?

My "babies" are looking so big these day ๐Ÿ˜ญ.

04/25 - The big kids had a track meet a few days ago, and it was CrAZy windy . . . like gusts up to 40 mph! The kids would round the corner on the track and look like they were suddenly in slow motion trying to run into the wind. At one point, the wind blew the high jump mat over ๐Ÿ˜ฒ.

Bren got first in shot, discus, and 4 x 100m relay, 2nd in 80m hurdles, and 3rd in high jump. Brianna got 1st in discus, 3rd in 800m, 3rd in shot, and 5th in long jump (after a fall).

04/25 - The twins invited us all to attend the wedding of "Hannah the Bunny" and "Peter Rabbit". The sign says, "Happy Wedeen Day!!!" I'm glad Hannah and Peter are honest rabbits now ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚.

04/28 - Straight facts.

05/04 - We had an active end-of-the-week and weekend as the big kids have been wrapping up school and extra-curriculars for the year. Brenson had a guitar performance through our homeschool co-op, and a few days later Brianna had a color guard performance (also through co-op). The color guard spun giant lollipops to the song "Candy Man", and it was really cute. Then, they both had their last regular track meet with our homeschool track team where Bri set a PR in the 1600 and won first in shot and discus, and Bren's 4x100m relay team took first. We finished the weekend by eating cake to honor and celebrate the life of a sweet girl that we'll always love and never forget.

05/06 - We are blessed to be part of a great team. These are some of the kindest, coolest, and fastest kids I know! Running is only part of what my kiddos love about being a Falcon.

05/13 - Homeschool Track and Field Nationals 2022 is in the books. We spent the last few days at the 2-day meet in Missouri where there were over 1200 registered athletes. Brianna and Brenson each competed in four events the first day and a triathlon the second day. They had a great time with their teammates, and held their own in competition as they battled the heat๐Ÿ”ฅ and sun ๐ŸŒž. We even ate at the locally famous Smith's Restaurant that the kids have been talking about since we were there last year ๐Ÿ˜‚. We are grateful for these experiences with our kiddos!

05/17 - We had the most beautiful, still evening yesterday, making it perfect for fishing with kiddos who are still learning how to cast safely ๐Ÿ˜‚. They reeled in about 10 bass in the short time we were at the pond. And don't worry, today the wind is back to its blustery behavior! ๐ŸŸ๐ŸŽฃ๐Ÿ 

05/19 - Today wrapped up another school year for my crew! This year was kind of different as Brianna and Brenson were homeschooled while Brooke and Brecklyn attended our local elementary school.

It was another great year at LIGHT Academy for Bri and Bren. They both excelled in math, thoroughly enjoyed our semester studies of South America and Ancient Civilizations, soaked up all the discoveries we made through our land mammals studies, and thrived with our new and more rigorous ELA curriculum.

Brianna participated in color guard through our homeschool co-op, took piano lessons, and ran cross country and track and field. She's not the fastest girl you'll see, but she is strong and has greatly improved her stamina this year! In addition to our regular Bible classes, Brianna took an online Women of the Bible class with me.

Brenson continued playing guitar and took an archery class through our homeschool co-op. He also ran cross country, played basketball, and participated in track and field. I can't even begin to count how many books he read this year!

Brooke and Brecklyn were very excited to be back at our local elementary school. They both loved their teachers, learned a lot about making friends, and excelled academically. I think they really enjoyed having a place they considered "theirs" away from big sis and big bro.

Brooke said her favorite subject was recess ๐Ÿ˜‚, and if you know Brooke then this is no surprise! She loves math and numbers, art, and telling long detailed stories. She grew a ton as a reader this year!

Brecklyn said her favorite subject was "specials". Math is not her favorite, but she loves to read and is excellent at it! She's a rule follower and loved the structure of traditional school.

I'm so grateful for the privilege of being Momma to these great kiddos. We are learning and growing together, and it is a great privilege!

05/20 - Thankful for family ๐Ÿ’—.

05/24 - Playing in the rain and jumping in puddles โ˜”โ›ˆโ˜”!

05/29 - We've had many rounds of severe weather during worship services resulting in power outages, high winds, and even taking cover in the building during tornado season. The first building the church owned in this location was leveled by a tornado in 1991. I think the parking lot is the windiest place on earth.

This morning we lost power at the very beginning of worship service, and it never came back (although it flickered a good bit). It's not lost on me that Russ officially became our preacher on April Fool's Day a decade ago, and preached his last sermon as our official preacher today in the dark, with only the light from the foyer shining in.

06/05 - Congrats to our niece, Abby, on graduating from high school! We're glad we got to celebrate with you! ๐ŸŽ“

06/06 - Lately . . .

๐ŸŒž Touring the Phillips 66 Museum in Bartlesville with friends
๐ŸŒž Celebrating our friends at some fun birthday parties
๐ŸŒž Fishing in our neighborhood pond
๐ŸŒž Pretty evenings and even prettier sunsets
๐ŸŒž Basketball day camp for Bren
๐ŸŒž Backyard concerts featuring four super cute little people

06/07 - Hammock โœ”
Good book โœ”
Twin sister โœ”
Beautiful summer day โœ”

06/08 - My girl Tia and me 13 years ago. We've been through a lot of life together . . . job changes, moves, pregnancies, births, deaths, house builds, illness, vacations, unemployment, parenting . . . the list goes on. Life is better with friends who laugh with you, cry with you, and totally get your sarcasm! ๐Ÿ˜

06/11 - "I will praise You, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will tell of all Your marvelous works."

06/14 - We're having a great week growing and learning together in God's word! You are invited to join us tonight and tomorrow night as we continue our studies in the book of Acts.

06/14 - 100%

06/19 - We're sure thankful for this guy. My kids have no idea how blessed they are to have a Daddy who's present, loving, and involved. Happy Father's Day!

06/21 - Yay for the first day of summmmerrrrrr!

06/23 - That's a wrap on Will's Wild West Kids Camp for the year . . . known as "Cowboy Camp" around here. The girls had a blast!

06/27 - Two girls are very excited to have their own library card!

06/30 - While big sis is enjoying some time away with her cousins, we've been having some fun of our own!

๐ŸŒž Creating fun artwork with directed drawing videos
๐ŸŒž Bowling with friends
๐ŸŒž Enjoying a picnic at the lake
๐ŸŒž Making play-doh
๐ŸŒž Cooking with Mom
๐ŸŒž Cooling off at the splash pad

The first half of our year was certainly full of activity and blessings! We are looking forward to what the second half brings!

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