As of this past Tuesday, we have officially finished out our academic year at LIGHT Academy (we have Track & Field Nationals to get through next week before I can feel like we are totally finished). This year has been so full of wonderful experiences, learning, and adventures. I can't say enough what a blessing homeschooling has been, and we are already eagerly looking forward to next year . . . but not until we make the most of our summer break!
Our co-op, The Group, met each Tuesday in a nearby town. This was our second year with this co-op - and while it has been beneficial and met our needs for this season - we do not plan to return next year. One major reason for this is that there aren't many classes being offered that my kids are interested in taking, and the classes they might like are not offered at the same time. Also, I plan to bring Brooke and Brecklyn home and into LIGHT Academy next year, and the classes available for them through The Group are also at different times than the ones Brianna and Brenson might take. Another reason we don't plan to return is that co-op took up most of our day each Tuesday, and I just don't see that the benefit from the classes the kids would potentially take next year would outweigh the drawbacks.
With all that said, we are very thankful for the classes taken through this co-op! Brianna and Bren loved BizTown in particular, as well as guitar (for Bren) and color guard (for Bri). They also took a Spanish class this year, but it was kind of a mess. They didn't enroll in the second semester of it, even though it was offered.
On our last Tuesday of co-op, Bren enjoyed playing football with some of his buddies. One thing he really enjoyed about The Group was that his friend, Allen, was there and they were able to hang out most weeks. The kids were also able to spend time with Gavon, Blake, Hayden, and Avery, while I was able to visit with Anna and Rebekah.
While BizTown was probably her favorite class she had at co-op, Brianna really enjoyed color guard, as well. Last year they performed at the end-of-the-year showcase The Group puts on, but this year Ms. Sarah (their coach) decided they would perform in the yard of the church where co-op meets instead. Meme came with me to watch the performance, and we loved the way the pink flags shined in the sun!
Brianna is in the middle at the front.
She did such a good job!
The Color Guard Crew!
Brianna is in the back row, third from the left.
We found out a few weeks ago that Ms. Sarah is planning to take a break from teaching color guard for at least a few years. This just added to the list of reasons we chose to not return to this co-op next year.
Aside from co-op, Brianna kept busy with running cross country and track & field with the Falcons. She took an apologetics class about the flood through Made In Six, as well as two OABS Bible classes online. We rounded out her 7th grade year with pre-algebra, an intro to chemistry class, special studies in Inventors & Inventions, and listening to several great books. Her favorite book we listened to was A Little Princess, although her favorite book she read was Esperanza Rising. Her least favorite thing about homeschool was dictation (just like last year) because she struggles with spelling. She has improved greatly, though! She is a good student and has really advanced in time management and focus this year.
It's amazing how much more grown up she looks compared to the first day of school!
Brenson's 5th grade year has been a good year, although he struggled a bit with feeling overwhelmed at times. Time management and learning to buckle down and get things done has definitely been a learning process, but he is growing. Aside from BizTown, guitar, and Spanish in co-op, he ran cross country and track & field with the Falcons and played basketball with the Claremore Rec League. I kept Bren and Bri together for several of their school subjects, including pre-algebra, chemistry, and their special studies in Inventors & Inventions. He also took the same apologetics class as Bri on the flood. He has read many, many books this year, and I'm not sure he could even tell me his favorite. His favorite we listened to together was Holes. He really enjoys working independently, and sometimes it surprises me how efficient he is (when he wants to be).
Growing so much!
When we made the decision to homeschool a few years ago, it was hard for me to see the tremendous blessing it would be because I was too focused on the logistics of it all (and how overwhelmed I felt!). But this year? I feel like we've gotten into a great rhythm and balance, and we all work well together in the day-to-day. Of course, bringing the girls in LIGHT Academy will shake things up *a lot*, but I am so ready to embrace having everyone learning and living at home together full-time.
For now, though, it's lights out at LIGHT Academy!
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