A few days ago a super-exciting package arrived in the mail for me . . . my Mother's Day gift!
I have been wanting to display some photos from our travels in our house for a while, but I've had a hard time deciding how and where. One day I was on FB and saw an advertisement for MixTiles and thought that was the perfect solution for how to display my photos. After a little more thought, I decided our entryway would be a great spot for the MixTiles collage and even leave room for expansion in the future. Chris and the kids gave me the money to order the MixTiles for Mother's Day, so I made that happen not long after we returned from our Smoky Mountain vacation.
Sometimes my visions don't always come to life the way I hope they will, so I have been pretty anxious to see our photos on the tiles and to get everything put together. When the box with the tiles arrived in the mail, I was so excited that it made the kids laugh.
I'm happy to report that I am thrilled with the quality of the tiles and how our photos look! Yesterday, I hung everything up in our entryway and couldn't be more happy with how it turned out!
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