Thursday, November 20, 2008

Rockin' the Big D

Where do you find four friends that need a quick, fun get-away in a low key area with great shopping?Why, Dallas of course!

Tracy, Holley, Tia, and I took a quick trip to Dallas this past week in effort to get away, relax, and spend quality time together. Two and a half days of talking, laughing, shopping, eating, and spa treatments later, we were ready to once-again face the world and the holiday season.

We enjoyed a nice dinner at The Melting Pot. The food and atmosphere were perfect!

Cooking your own food at a restaurant is different, but the experience was fun.

Going in for the kill.... uh, I mean dip.

Flaming chocolate... yummmmm! This was the BEST part of the meal (and no, we didn't eat it while it was still on fire!)

Holley was enjoying herself too!

Me and Ti, our fearless driver. We didn't find out until about an hour down the road that she doesn't see certain colors while driving. She shared this with us only after she almost hit another vehicle. If you drive a white car, you'd better watch out! Really though, she did a great job driving and I was soooo thankful I didn't have to (traffic stresses me out!). During one stop, this skanky fast-food restaraunt employee said, "Your driver sucks!" and I almost had to fight him *grin*. Nothing like service with a smile!

Holley and me... my roomate for the weekend!

Me and Tracy... she kept us in check and in coupons! This woman knows how to find a bargain!Thanks, Trace for always helping me save money!

I wish I had a "before" photo of our Ti's SUV (that we affectionaly named Vera, after Vera Wang). We purposely packed light to maximize space for our shopping bags. Here is the "after" shot...
We did some damage in the Big D!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Branson next year.