Sunday, July 3, 2011

Just another Sunday...

I love taking photos before we leave for church on Sunday mornings. Mainly because we all usually look pretty nice, but also just because it's such a nice day for us. We get up, get ready, leave the house as a family, drive 25 minutes through the country to church, worship God together, eat a nice lunch, drive home, and take a nap together.

I really wanted to do a small photo shoot of Chris and B on Father's Day, but we were running late that day and just couldn't squeeze it in. So, I decided that last week (the week after Father's Day), we would take photos and pretend they were for Father's Day.

I couldn't believe my luck when the very first photo I took was a keeper! B was looking and even smiling!
So, we kept taking photos and she kept smiling and looking for almost all of them!

Even though I'm not usually a fan of full-length photos, I do like this one. It was our lucky day!
I love our little family!

1 comment:

Emily said...

that first one of you and brianna is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! totally frame worthy - love it!!! she's precious!