Tuesday, September 25, 2018

A Toothy Tale

With several of his classmates and buddies losing teeth, Bren has been anxious to join the loose tooth club. Really, he's wanted a loose tooth since Brianna started losing teeth a couple years ago. For a while, he would consistently try to convince me that he had a loose tooth, but every time I looked at his teeth (yuck!) there was nothing really going on. 

I'm faithful about having my kids' teeth cleaned at the dentist every six months, and Bren's most recent cleaning happened earlier this month (and YAY for no cavities!). I had noticed that he had a permanent tooth growing in behind his baby teeth on the bottom, so I assumed that meant those baby teeth would come out soon. However, at his cleaning, the hygienist said the baby teeth weren't really loose at all. When our dentist looked at Bren's mouth, he recommended that we bring Bren back in to have his two front baby teeth on the bottom pulled so that the permanent teeth could take their rightful place.

I scheduled the procedure to be done first thing in the morning because I know how Bren can fret about things. He didn't seem nervous at all, although I think he definitely had some anxious energy on the morning of his procedure. Bren requested that Daddy take him to the dentist that morning simply because Daddy never gets to go to the dentist with him. I was a little disappointed (I wanted to be with him), but I certainly wasn't willing to make a big deal out of it. 

Thankfully, everything went super smooth, and the process was quick. I was so glad that Chris sent me pictures throughout the procedure so I could keep up with what was going on!

All smiles before the procedure began . . . notice he struggled to really smile on the right side.

Let the tooth extracting begin!

Bren was home after about an hour. He couldn't move his mouth much to smile or speak, but he wasn't really in pain, either.

He did act a little drowsy, but never fell asleep. I decided to keep him home from school the whole day just in case he started to hurt after the initial numbing wore off. 

He was so proud that he got to bring home his teeth! And seriously, just look at the roots on them! After seeing the teeth, I was very thankful that we went ahead and had the dentist pull them.

Bren did take a nap that day, but was fine afterwards. He was pumped to put his teeth in his tooth fairy pillow, although he was sure to tell me that he knew I was the tooth fairy, haha. 

He was ready to check that pillow when he woke up the next morning!

The tooth fairy left him $10!

For Brianna, the tooth fairy left her $5 for her first tooth, and not as much for each tooth after the first. Since Bren not only lost two teeth at the same time but also had to have them pulled at the dentist, the tooth fairy thought a little bit extra was in order. 

We were so thankful that everything went as smoothly as possible, and that Brenson was brave about the whole procedure. I know this is not what he had in mind for losing his first tooth, but he rolled with it and we're proud of him for that!

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