Friday, August 16, 2019

The First Day of School for Four!

If you read my post I put up the other night, you know I was feeling super emotional about the first day of school. I wanted to be strong for my kids (who were all excited and ready), but I just didn't know if I had it in me. I thought there was a distinct possibility that I might fall apart and be mess, so I wasn't really looking forward to it. 

I'm happy to report that the day was great . . . for everyone! It always helps me to get some of my feelings out, and because I wrestled with all the feels the night before school started, I was good to go on the actual first day of school! 

And I wasn't the only one . . . the kids were so wound up that we were all ready almost 30 minutes before time to leave. Bren was already up and dressed when I went in his room to wake him for the day!

Having everyone ready early meant that I could take pics and not be rushed at all. YES!

Brianna on her first day of fourth grade

Brenson on his first day of second grade

Brooke Ellie on her first day of Pre-K

Brecklyn Sarah on her first day of Pre-K

My sweet twinbies were SO excited for their very first day of school!

I didn't intentionally coordinate their clothing, but I certainly don't mind that it worked out that way, ha! 

Brianna, Brooke, Brecklyn, and Brenson

I adore this photo! Can you tell that they were excited to tackle their day?!?

Daddy with the crew 💙

Momma with the crew 💓

Chris always takes the morning of the first day of school off work so we can join the kids at Rise and Shine, then walk them to their classrooms. We accompanied the kids into the gym for Rise and Shine, and they all immediately went to sit with their classes.


While several of the pre-k and kindergarten kids were on the struggle bus (there were lots and lots of tears), Brooke and Brecklyn were dancing and participating like they'd been doing it for years. Oh wait . . . that's because they have!

Brecklyn is the only one I thought might have a little trouble, but she was all smiles!

When Rise and Shine ended, Chris walked with Brianna to class while I went with Brooke and Brecklyn. I was waiting for their class in the hallway when they came out of the gym, and I was not at all surprised to see that Brooke was leading the class and holding her teacher's hand. Of course, Brecklyn wasn't far behind her sister.

I'm sad this pic is blurry because Brooke was giving me the cutest little thumbs up!

I followed the twins into their classroom, helped them get situated, then said good-bye. They were ready to get their day started!

After saying good-bye to the twins, I went down to Bren's classroom to say a quick good-bye to him. As you can see from him face in the photo below, he thought me coming to check on him was completely unnecessary!

Even with all my kids in the same building, I wasn't able to make it down to see Bri. Thankfully, she's a big kid and said she was perfectly fine with me not walking her to her classroom. Chris did walk her, though, and snapped this pic before he left. Sweet girl!

Once we made sure all the kiddos were where they needed to be, we met up in the hallway and left to go on a coffee date. I teared up just a little when we walked out of the building, but I was proud of myself for {mostly} holding it together!

Haha . . . I'm not sure what these faces are!

It felt so strange to both of us to be out on a breakfast coffee date with no children! I can't even think of the last time that has happened. It was great to be able to talk without interruption and just really focus on each other. We hope to see more of this in our future!

Because our district does half day pre-k, the twins are only in school a little less than three hours. I figured that time would drag by on the first day, and I was right. I was so ready to pick them up and hear about their day, and they were super excited to tell me everything! They both had a wonderful first day of school!

Brecklyn (upset because she thought the sun was in her eyes)

Brooke (also struggling with the "sun")

Later in the day, Bren's teacher posted a few photos on the class FB page. I love when teachers do this! 

Part of Bren's class at Rise and Shine

Bren and some of his classmates having silent reading time

The twins' teacher, Mrs. C, also posted a few photos.


I think one of these wasn't quite as excited as the other, haha! 

I probably say this every year, but I'm so grateful that school is a positive experience for my kids. My heart went out to all the parents and children who were upset, crying, and scared about going to school. I know that is hard on everyone! Our drop offs are so easy, and I hope I appreciate that as much as I should. 

It's going to be a great year!

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