Friday, December 27, 2019

Full of Christmas Cheer (Christmas Day)

This holiday season felt like a whole new experience for me, as I cannot remember a time when we have not traveled out of state for Thanksgiving OR Christmas in the same year. Things are just different now that my parents live in the same town as us, so the holidays felt really different too!

I already wrote about how we celebrated Christmas with our small family unit several days before December 25th, so that left Christmas Day open to spend at my parents' house. After a fairly slow morning, we went over to my parents' house about 10:30am so I could help Mom with the meal. 

My brother and his family weren't able to be with us for Christmas Day, so it was my parents, my sister and her family, and us. 

We had a lovely noon meal (that I was too busy eating to take pictures of, haha), then exchanged a few gifts. Of course, the kids are more interested in gifts than in food!

Bren was thrilled with this Nerf gun target!

Brianna received a Caboodle.

Brooke and Brecklyn opening a Princess LEGO set.

So excited!

Bren and Chloe

Brianna and a book series she's been wanting.

These house robes cracked me up . . . the girls think they are fantastic!

Brooke looked hilarious bottle feeding her new pet cat in her house robe, lol!

Brecklyn loves her new pet doggie!

After exchanging gifts, Grampy and G-Jo had a few little crafts for the kiddos to do.

Brecklyn, Daddy, and Brooke

I wish I had remembered to take a photo of the finished craft . . . they were these really large paper snowflakes!

Merry Christmas from my sweets!

Grampy and G-Jo with their grandkids that were there.

After crafting, the kids spent most of the afternoon playing outside. The weather was an AMAZING sunny and 70 degree day . . . so crazy for Christmas Day! I think Russ and Lisa napped on and off while Mom and Dad played with the kids and rested. Chris and I took the opportunity to take a walk around my parents' neighborhood just the two of us. Merry Christmas to us, lol! 

It was such a wonderful, relaxing afternoon! For dinner, we ate some leftovers (which is what we always eat on the evening of a big holiday meal), then we all headed to bible study. It was nice and encouraging to spend the evening of Christmas with our church family. Although it was strange waking up and going to bed at our own house on Christmas, it was also really, really nice to not have the stress of traveling. I think I could get used to this :-).

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