Are y'all ready for one of my favorite (and longest) posts of the year?!? Well, ready or not, it's time for my annual A Day in the Life post!
Now, one thing to keep in mind is that this A Day in the Life post represents life as it is right now. It would look really different had I written this post back in January or February! However, this post is a snapshot of life from Thursday, April 30th. With that in mind, let's get started!
My alarm goes off every day at 6:10am. Now that I don't have to get everyone up and out the door by 7:30am, I have the luxury of pressing snooze sometimes. I exercised that right on this day :-).
I decided it would be a slow start morning and didn't actually get up until just before 7:00am. I guess distance learning isn't all bad, haha.
while Brianna just laid around and did a little reading.
Brecklyn making her bed.
Brooke taking her dirty clothes to the hamper.
I had this massive pile of laundry staring me in the face. At least it's clean, right? Good morning!
Bren taking care of the trash for me.
Brianna helping me make my bed.
Some of the kids move a little faster than others in the morning. Brooke is my slow to wake girl, so she takes longer getting ready.
Brooke brushing her teeth.
I make my bed nearly every day. I love the way it looks when it's made, but I also need it made to use it to fold laundry.
All the kids are great to help with chores, especially the laundry. I don't know how I'd keep up with it without their help!
Brecklyn and Brooke worked on scripture writing (coloring),
Brianna did work on the computer for school,
and Brenson tackled his scripture writing.
While they were all working, I finished cleaning the kitchen and was available for questions and help.
The girls don't work on one thing for too long, so Brooke moved on to crafting about the time I finished the kitchen.
Brecklyn wasn't in the mood for crafting, so she played a math matching game instead.
Brenson worked on his to-do list for school (on the computer),
and then Brooke changed activities again and played with tangrams.
Brecklyn has always been my child who wants to work right beside me. Now that Daddy is working from home, she has to go visit him every hour or so. I didn't know where she had gone, then I thought, "She's probably with Daddy." Yep!
The Bigs were still running at 11:00am, so I called Brooke to me to do some reading. We have a whole series of books where they read a sentence, then I read a sentence, and they just love them! Their reading is really taking off.
After Brooke and I finished, it was Brecklyn's turn to read!
The Bigs finished running about the same time Brecklyn and I finished her book. They ran close to 6000 steps each (almost 3 miles).
The little girls had more free play time (they love LEGO),
while the Bigs cooled down from running, and Daddy picked up lunch from the school. We don't get school lunch every day, but it has been SO nice that the school is distributing food to families during this distance learning time! We really appreciate the convenience and cost savings, for sure!
I don't get (or want!) school lunch, so I had a pretty common lunch for me of veggies and a boiled egg.
Lunch lasted from about 12:00pm to 12:30pm, then the kids had some play time on our playset.
Before long, they had moved on from the playset to riding their bikes
and scooters!
During naptime for the twins, the Bigs and I did some school work in the beautiful weather on the patio. This work is not for their classes at school, but some supplemental things I'm having them do for fun. Except I'm not sure they think it's all that fun, haha!
We finished our analogy work and online bible class at around 2:15pm. The big kids were ready for some free time!
Bri chose some computer time,
while Bren played on the Wii.
I enjoyed the quiet time, did some bible reading, and paid some bills. Once the twins got up from their nap (around 3:30pm), they needed lots of snuggles. I'm not complaining a bit!
The living room had been left a mess from the morning, so we spent some time tidying up after snuggles.
and Bren practiced his guitar.
Once instrument practice was complete, it was free time for all! The kids basically played outside, then came in to watch a bit of TV, then went back out again over and over.
Chris wrapped up working for the day at around 4:30pm, then mowed our yard.
Bren is the only kid that stayed outside the whole time . . . he did a lot of bike riding and monitoring what Daddy was doing :-).
After eating and visiting for a bit, I cleaned up the kitchen from dinner while the big kids picked up toys outside and Daddy gave the little girls a bath. It was about 7:00pm at this point.
Then, the big kids took showers while I finished folding and putting away all the laundry.
During this time, Daddy read books with the twins to help them wind down for bed.
It was pushing 8:30pm by the time all the things were cleaned and tidied, all the children bathed, and all the books read. That means bedtime for the kiddos!
It's amazing to me how some days feel short and long all at once. I cherish this time we have all at home together right now, and I hope I can always appreciate our days for what they are in this moment.
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