Saturday, August 25, 2018

Back to School!

Ever since we got back from our Colorado vacation at the end of July, our focus has been on getting the Bigs ready to go back to school. I'm always a little sad when I realize we only have a few more weeks of our summer left before school starts again. It's an exciting time, but I miss my kiddos so much when they are away part of the day!

When Brianna was in first grade, we adored her teacher Mrs. L. I had asked Bren who he wanted as a first grade teacher, and his answer surprised me. I thought he would want Mrs. L like Brianna, but he really wanted another one of the first grade teachers because when he was in Kindergarten he always saw her in the hall and she would smile at him, haha. I knew that I really wanted him to have Mrs. L, though!

The first day of school was Thursday, August 16th, but on Tuesday, August 14th, the school had a "Meet the Teacher" event where we found out who the kids' teachers are and saw their classrooms. With Brianna in third grade and Brenson in first grade this year, they are no longer in the same hallway. We started in the "East Hallway" and found Brenson's classroom first. 

Last year there was a lot of apprehension and nervousness from Bren at "Meet the Teacher". There was a little of that this year, but it was mostly excitement that we saw from him! He found his desk and sat down right away.

And yes, he has Mrs. L this year! Whoo-hoo! Even though he thought he would be disappointed to not have the teacher he thought he wanted, he was happy once we got in his room. 

While we were sorting Bren's school supplies, reading paperwork, and visiting with Mrs. L, the twins made themselves right at home in his classroom. They love visiting the school!

Brooke, Brecklyn

After seeing Bren's teacher, we headed over to the West Hallway to find Brianna's classroom. This is our first year we've had a child in the West Hallway, and I was shocked at how different it feels over there. The East Hallway is always crowded, chaotic, and noisy. There are lots of parents, crying kids, excited kids, nervous kids, and the energy is always super high. The West Hallway was calm and quiet and certainly not crowded. It was a nice change, but it was also a hard reality about how grown up Brianna is really getting!

In Brianna's classroom, she was a given a name tag and got to choose her seat! Then, she had a little scavenger hunt to complete while sorting her school supplies. 

Brianna was pretty disappointed that none of her good gal friends are in her class this year, but I told her this will be a good opportunity for her to make new friends! And, we really like her teacher, Mrs. R, so far. 

I love having "Meet the Teacher" just a few days before school because it really gets the kids excited for the first day of school. Not that my kids need too much help with that, haha! I had told the kids that we would have to get up extra early on the first day of school to get completely ready and have enough time for pictures and to be at school a few minutes early. This was no problem at all! Bren was up before 6:00am, and Brianna was up shortly after him. 

Bren was SO ready!

I had Aunt Lisa make first day of school shirts for Bren and Brianna. I love how they turned out!

First grade is going to be great!

Looking very grown up this year!

Ready to rock the third grade!

My first and third graders :-)

The little girls were just as excited as the big kids for the first day of school. They had to get in on a picture, too!

Daddy and Brenson

Brianna and Daddy

Momma and Brianna

Brenson and Momma

This was our fourth first day of school, and I will say that it was by far the easiest first day we've had yet. When Brianna was in Kinder and First, she did great but it was hard for me! I hated her being there by herself. Last year, I had a hard time with leaving Bren because I knew that he was nervous and unsure about it. This year, however, they were both ready and excited. I was leaving them there together, and it definitely helps knowing what's going on a little more and knowing the adults in the building a little more. I didn't even get teary-eyed!  

Of course, we stayed for Rise and Shine, but now Brianna and Brenson are on opposite sides of the gym for that, too. Chris and Brooke stood over by Brianna's class.

Brooke thinks she's so big and had to be right in the middle of the action :-).

Brecklyn and I stood over by Bren's class. It was so cute seeing them holding hands as Brenson walked out of the gym to go to class. 

Brecklyn and I walked Bren to his classroom and stayed for just a minute to get him settled. He was all smiles and ready to get the day going!

Bren's teacher takes lots of photos throughout the school day, and she posts them to a private FB page for parents to view. I love this! It helps me feel connected to what's going on in his classroom, and is a great way for me to start conversations with him about what he's doing at school. This is his first day of school pic that Mrs. L took:

Chris and Brooke walked Brianna to her classroom (even though she insisted they didn't need to :-), and she was also all smiles and ready for the day!

I know the first day of school (or school in general) is not an easy, positive experience for many families. It's not lost on me how blessed we are to have had such good school experiences so far, and we are very grateful for it. It's going to be a great year!

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