Monday, October 8, 2018

A Field Trip and Double Running Medals

Happy Monday! I hope everyone is having a good start to their week. I have some fun pics from a couple events we had at the end of last week that I want to share.

Our friend Sadie goes to a private school in Tulsa, and her class takes weekly field trips sponsored by parents of kids in the class. Tia arranged to take Sadie's class to the Tulsa Botanical Garden last Thursday, and invited us to come along with them. We met Sadie and her class there right when the Botanical Garden opened for a morning of fun!

Brooke and Brecklyn were ready to see the sights!

We went on a field trip with Sadie's class last February, and I really enjoyed watching my girls with a group of kids their age. It's always interesting to me to watch the dynamic.

Sweet Brecklyn

Brecklyn and Brooke didn't want to stand in front of this face to take a pic, but I talked them into it! But really, can you blame them?!?

They all love spinning these huge butterflies.

Precocious Brooke

Tia was also taking care of her friend Jordan's daughter, Evelyn, this day. The girls have met before, but I don't think they remembered each other as we don't see Jordan too often. 

Evelyn, Sadie, Brooke, and Brecklyn

The day after we visited the Botanical Garden and I took these pics, a photo of Jordan, Tia, and Me from 2013 came up in my TimeHop. I thought that was a funny coincidence!

The Gardens are SO beautiful!

We even ate lunch with Sadie's class, and I will say that it was kind of a fiasco! Trying to serve lunch to a group of 3 and 4 year olds with no tables or structure was a challenge. We survived, though!

The last time we visited the Botanical Garden was in the early spring, so I appreciated the different foliage and flowers that were bloomed during this time of year. 

We are so grateful Tia invited us to come along, and the girls said that they want to go to school with Sadie now. Sorry, girls, that's not going to happen, lol!

The next morning (this past Friday), we went to school with Brianna and Brenson because they both earned their 25 mile running medal for the year. Yes, already!!!

I'm so pleased with Brenson's dedication to running this year!

Brianna has been very serious about her goal this year, as well. 

The first group of 25 mile medals were awarded last Friday, so Brianna and Bren were in the second group of kids who earned them.

Cute boy 💙

I didn't get any pics of their victory lap this year, but they were proud of their medals!

Brianna was the first girl and the first 3rd grader to earn the 25 mile medal this year. She keeps telling me she wants her 100 mile medal, and she's not messing around!

Chris and I both really love the running program at the kids' school, and we think it's been great for our kids. Not only does it give them physical exercise and a way to expel some of their energy during the day, but it also teaches them about the rewards of setting and working toward goals. I'll be surprised if they haven't both earned their 50 mile medals before the semester is over. 

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