Thursday, February 14, 2019

Brenson's 7th Birthday!

Brenson's birthday is exactly one week following the twins' birthday, so it always falls on the same day of the week as theirs does. This year, their birthdays were on a Sunday, so just like we had done with the twins we celebrated Bren's birthday on the Saturday before his actual day. 

Typically, February is our month full of birthday celebrations but not a whole lot else. This year, however, has been different as my parents are in the process of moving to our town. Because my dad has a full shop in addition to my parents' entire house full of stuff to move, he decided to move in two parts - the shop and then the house stuff. On Thursday (February 7th) before Bren's birthday, Chris and Russ traveled to Missouri to help my dad load his shop into a U-haul. It was FREEZING cold and snowing that day, so it took them the entire day to get the shop loaded. On Friday, they drove the U-haul and a truck full of stuff down to our place in Oklahoma and unloaded it all into our garage. It was a HUGE task, and Chris was exhausted by the time they finished late Friday afternoon. 

The little girls (Brecklyn especially) had been very sick the weekend prior to this (you can read about it here), and they had shared the sickness with Brenson. He missed four days of school the week before his birthday. When I picked him up from school on Friday, he went straight to bed as soon as he got home. He had been fever free before I sent him back to school, but I should have kept him home because his fever returned after being back for one day. 

ALL of that to say, Bren's birthday weekend also did not turn out like we had planned. We had planned to go bowling and have a day of fun on Saturday (February 9th), but we weren't able to do that due to Brenson being sick and Chris being super worn out. Although we ended up just spending the day at home, we still celebrated Brenson!

Of course, I decorated the fireplace for him!

Bren is super into Nerf guns right now, so I thought garland made out of Nerf bullets would be just right for his birthday decorations. He loved it!

Bren didn't have too many gifts because we had spent most of his budget on his room redo. He did have a few, though!

He was so happy to have his own set of headphones . . . this is something he'd been wanting for a while!

You can't lose with Legos with this guy!

WHY does he look so big here?!? Waaaaaah!!!

I needed one more gift for Bren but was struggling to think of anything. He's not really easy to buy for, but Chris suggested a ball return and Bren has loved playing with it!

A little later that day, Chris took Brenson to the store to pick out a ball glove and to spend some of his birthday money. Brenson is typically pretty tight with money, but he had it in his head that he wanted to buy a new Nerf gun. He was able to get exactly what he wanted with some cash he had received for his birthday, and he was one happy boy!

That evening, I made homemade spaghetti and meatballs which is one of Brenson's favorite meals. Then, we had cupcakes and sang to our BIG seven year old!

Making a birthday wish!

Brooke is my girl who loves food, but especially sweets. There was no doubt that she enjoyed her cupcake, haha!

Brecklyn (who is a much cleaner eater than Brooke) took one look at her and said, "Brooke Ellie, you are a hot, hot mess!" She's not wrong, lol!

The next morning, on Brenson's actual birthday, we all got up and got ready for church. As soon as everyone was ready, I took some photos of my birthday boy. He loved the ball glove he'd picked out at the store the day before, so it had to be in the photo, too. Of course!

Handsome boy <3 .="" p="">

Bren's birthday was on the second Sunday of the month which is typically our potluck day at church. We had initially planned to stay for potluck, but I was dealing with a bunch of respiratory junk and Bren still wasn't feeling 100 percent. We decided to go to El Azteca for lunch instead, then head home for long naps that afternoon.

Chris told our waiter it was Bren's birthday, so the staff sang him a song, brought him sopapillas, and put a sombrero on his head!

Love this look!

Then, as a finale, they put whipped cream on his face!

I'm so glad Bren took it all well because he probably wouldn't have a few years ago. He was a great sport about it, though!

We had a very restful afternoon, and went back to church that evening. I was thankful that Bren was well enough to enjoy his birthday, even if it wasn't what we had planned. That seemed to be a theme this year *sigh*.

Happy birthday to our amazing boy!

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