07/01 - We had a wonderful day sight-seeing in Minnesota! We began in Walnut Grove at the Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum and dugout site. I'm currently reading the "Little House" series to the kids, and it really came alive today. After a picnic lunch, we drove to Minneopa State Park for a little hiking and a gorgeous waterfall view. The weather has been perfect, and we are excited to head north tomorrow! #roadtripwithlittles #lauraingallswildermuseum #minneopastatepark #summerinminnesota
07/02 - Today we ventured another 200 miles north to Duluth, MN, which sits at the tip of Great Lake Superior. We walked out onto a pier, watched boats, and were able to see the lift bridge ascend and descend several times. We also walked and drove across the bridge! The views of the lake are incredible, and we loved walking around Canal Park. #roadtripwithlittles #duluthminnesota #liftbridge #lakesuperior #upnorthmn
07/03 - Our adventures today took us along the beautiful North Shore Drive to Gooseberry Falls State Park where we did some great hiking to see some beautiful falls. Then, we had a picnic on the beach of Lake Superior and put our feet in the cold water. The afternoon was rounded out by a ride on the North Shore Scenic Railroad where we saw more gorgeous views of the lake and learned a little history of Duluth. (Please excuse the "selfie" family photos . . . I'm not typically shy about asking people to take photos for us, but we're trying really hard to be respectful and stay socially distanced. We are very grateful there are so many outdoor activities available since many indoor things are currently closed or restricted.) #roadtripwithlittles #minnesota #upnorth #duluth #duluthtrains #northshoredrive #gooseberryfalls #covid19vacation
07/04 - Happy Independence Day from Wisconsin, everyone! ๐งจ๐๐งจ #roadtripwithlittles #wisconsin #independenceday2020 #letfreedomring
07/05 - We had a wonderful time seeing long-time family friends in Virginia, MN this morning. Now on to North Dakota! #roadtripwithlittles #minnesota #upnorthmn
07/06 - We're on day 8 of our trip, and we've been able to see and experience so many neat things. During the past few days, we've enjoyed amazing views of Duluth, MN, saw a beautiful lighthouse and played on the beach in Wisconsin, then drove across Minnesota to spend the night in North Dakota. Today, we headed south into South Dakota where we had a picnic in a park before touring De Smet. We were able to see where the Ingalls family lived and are buried, where their homestead was located, and so many other things we've recently read about in the "Little House" books. Now, we're staying the night in Iowa before continuing our trek south tomorrow. #roadtripwithlittles #minnesota #wisconsin #northdakota #southdakota #iowa #lauraingallswilder #ingallshomestead
07/07 - We woke up this morning in Iowa and headed south. We burned up the road, but we are home! There's a good possibility the inside of our van may never recover from this ๐.
"Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam, be it ever so humble there's no place like home."
#roadtripwithlittles #iowa #nebraska #kansas #homesweetoklahoma
07/08 - We were home from our 9 day trip for less than three hours when this happened *sigh*. #BrensonCharlesJacob #eightyearsold #boymomlife
07/11 - A sweet friendship refreshes the soul, and my heart is full after spending the day with these gals ๐! Time, distance, and life often get in the way of being together as much as we'd like, but our friendship remains a rare and beautiful gift. I'm so grateful for the laughter and love and the time meet and snuggle lil G! #mytribe #collegebesties #oldfriendshipsareagift
07/14 - It's a beautiful summer day, and we have the splash pad all to ourselves! Whoop-whoop! #summerinoklahoma #waterfun #lovemylittles
07/16 - Some days . . . ๐
07/16 - And they think we're just fishin' ๐ฃ๐๐
07/21 - A beautiful reminder of God's goodness ๐!
07/26 - Friends, laughter, food, and a beautiful view . . . I'm so very grateful for life's blessings today and always!
07/27 - My kiddos started their yearly swim lessons today, and just as everything has been for the past five months, they were different. I'm glad we're doing them - and I'm confident that my kids' swimming abilities will grow - but I find myself just weary. Weary of the changes . . . weary of the difficulties . . . weary of of the fear and sadness and distance hanging in the air. It's interesting to me how something as unexpected as swim lessons triggered my emotions today. Is anyone else feeling this way? #summer2020 #swimlessons #socialdistancing #changes
07/29 - Two sweet girls patiently waiting while brother has his guitar lesson . . . this is a weekly exercise in self-control ๐! #twinbies #twingirls #guitarlessons #waitingpatiently
08/03 - Today, we officially plunged into new water as I submitted the paperwork to withdraw my kids' enrollment from our beloved elementary school. Today, we embark on a new journey into the world of homeschool. This decision has been difficult and unexpected, not unlike so many parts of 2020. Our hearts simultaneously ache for what was and are eager for the beauty that is to come. We are sad. We are excited. We are grieving. We are hopeful. And through it all we know that sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same.
08/04 - Taco Tuesday ๐ฎ at the Nelson's! ๐๐ฎ๐
08/06 - We've had a fun week with my niece, Kaylee. She's been coming to stay with me for a week every summer since she was two years old. Even though we weren't able to do all of our normal activities, we still watched movies, played games, did some beauty treatments, baked cookies, did a craft project, and had a couple dinner gatherings. Now she's back home preparing to begin her sophomore year in college ๐ฎ!
08/11 - There's a little early morning LEGO play going on around here ๐. #lovemylittles #legolife #messyhairandpjs
08/13 - Pedicure brought to you by play-doh and Brooke Ellie. Awkward tan lines on my feet brought to you by summertime! #BrookeElianaMae #sobusy #alwayscreative #fiveyearsold #summertime
08/13 - All the kids with alllll the energy ๐!
08/17 - Hooray for the first day of school! This year definitely looks different than we imagined, but we are excited and ready for the challenge. Happy first day to my fifth grader, third grader, and two kindergarteners! #firstdayofschool #homeschool #LIGHTacademy #changesandchallenges #butweareready #adventuresinkindergarten #thrivinginthird #fabulousfifth
08/19 - Five years old is magical ๐๐. #twinbies #fiveyearsold #adventuresinkindergarten #ootd
08/21 - Week one at LIGHT Academy is complete ๐ช. The kids are doing great, and I'm feeling like I'm in my element! I know every week may not be as smooth as this one was, but a strong start feels good. (Pic of the big kids observing oxidation of apples in various liquids.)
08/23 - We enjoyed some great cousin time this afternoon . . . lots of indoor and outdoor play, and only one small crisis when Brooke got STUCK in the baby swing. Thankfully we were able to get her out before we had to call the fire department! Never a dull moment ๐. #lovemylittles #cousintime #mycrewiswild #itsalwaysanadventurewithBrooke
08/24 - Running team practice on this beautiful Monday morning! #BriannaElisabethJo #fabulousfifth #BrensonCharlesJacob #thrivinginthird #runningteam #gofalcons๐
08/25 - I bought these sweet little dresses for the first day of school last year, but they ended up being way too big. I decided to keep them for the first day of kindergarten, never imagining that this year would look the way it does. They are just too cute to not wear (especially after the personalization was added), so we are enjoyed them anyway! Maybe these kindergarten cuties will bring their favorite teacher an apple ๐. ๐๐๐ #adventuresinkindergarten #twinbies #twingirls #twoistwiceasnice #ootd #anapplefortheteacher๐ #homeschool #LIGHTacademy
08/28 - Just watching the llamas ๐ฆ๐ฆ while the big kids have running ๐ practice! #twins #twinbies #homeschool #llamawatching๐ฆ #LIGHTacademy
08/29 - Today was the big kids' first cross country meet, and it was fun watching them run! Love these runners of mine ๐. #gofalcons #crosscountry #BriannaElisabethJo #fabulousfifthy #BrensonCharlesJacob #thrivinginthird
09/01 - ♫ Sisters, sisters ♫ #twinbies #twoistwiceasnice #ootd #matildajane #adventuresinkindergarten
09/02 - Truth! ๐
09/05 - This. Is. So. True.
09/07 - Who else totally relates to this?
09/09 - Just adding a little midweek cheer to your feed! #twingirls #fiveyearsold #twoistwiceasnice #doubleblessing #ootd #matildajane #poseymagee
09/10 - Another cross country meet is in the books for the big kids. They both shaved time off their previous race time, and they were so pleased to see their former PE teacher there to cheer them on! #BriannaElisabethJo #fabulousfifith #BrensonCharlesJacob #thrivinginthird #littlerunners #gofalcons
09/14 - We laugh about how four college besties whose friendship began *almost* twenty years ago would never believe how our lives look now. The good is better, the beautiful is more breathtaking, the mess is messier, and the joy is more abundant than we could have imagined back then! The merit and blessings found in the good, bad, and ugly of life are so cherished. ๐๐๐๐
09/16 - My littles are looking awfully big these days ๐๐. #twinbies #twingirls #twoistwiceasnice #ootd #matildajane #adventuresinkindergarten #BrecklynSarahFaith #BrookeElianaMae
09/17 - We're dissecting flowers on this Thursday afternoon. My kids are loving our botany unit! ⚘๐ #LIGHTacademy #apologiascience #botany #BriannaElisabethJo #fabulousfifth #BrensonCharlesJacob #thrivinginthird
09/19 - I posted this photo on FB 12 years ago, making light of the fact that Ross and Chris get asked fairly frequently if they're brothers. The memory made me laugh because just two nights ago someone asked them if they are brothers, then commented that he thought they might even be twins! I guess they still look alike even with the addition of a few wrinkles and some silver hair ๐.
09/21 - Kansas City with the framily! Big love for these peeps. #kansascity #fritzs #framily๐
09/22 - My littles are lectureship tired . . . sixteen one-hour sessions in three days! ๐
So grateful for the opportunity to go.
09/24 - When the housekeeping service at the hotel lines up all the twins' stuffies just so, and they say, "Mom, why don't you do that at home?" Yeah, no. Ain't nobody got time for that!
09/25 - It's really just one . . . I'll let ya guess who ๐.
09/26 - It was a beautiful day to watch our big kids RUN! ๐ #littlerunners #gofalcons #BriannaElisabethJo #fabulousfifth #BrensonCharlesJacob #thrivinginthird
09/26 - I updated my mantle for autumn today . . . makes me happy! ๐๐๐ #autumn #myfavoriteseason #autumndecor #autumnmantle #autumnmantledecor #whitepumpkins
09/28 - "Look, Mom! It's a snail-shell flower pot!" - Brecklyn ๐๐๐ #fiveyearsold #adventuresinkindergarten #learningthroughplay #outsideplayeveryday #autumninoklahoma
09/29 - We have been enjoying the study of some famous paintings and artists at LIGHT Academy this month. I loved watching Brooke Ellie's excitement when she recognized this one! #BrookeElianaMae #adventuresinkindergarten #LIGHTAcademy #homeschool #monalisa #leonardodivinci
10/3 - It's a beautiful autumn evening . . . perfect for roasting hot dogs over the fire! #autumninoklahoma #perfectevening #backyardliving #outdoorplayeveryday
10/05 - When you're heartbroken because you tripped while carrying your *best* piggy bank and it broke into pieces, the comfort comes from your twin ๐๐. #twinbies #twingirls #itsbeenaday #weneedareset #adventuresinkindergarten #homeschoollife
![]() |
10/06 - One of my favorite yearly outings is to the pumpkin patch. Last year we missed it due to illness, so we were extra excited to go this year. It did not disappoint! ๐๐๐ #traditions #bigfamilyfun #pumpkinpatch #lovemylittles #autumninoklahoma
10/08 - The Bigs teaching the Littles greater than/less than using candy corn. I'm a sucker for seasonally themed activities ๐. #LIGHTacademy #homeschool #siblings #candycornisfun #butyucktho
10/10 - Hibachi chef in the making! #BriannaElisabethJo #hibachilunch #kidchef #fabulousfifth
10/11 - The BFFs by Sadie, Brooke, and Brecklyn ๐๐๐.
10/13 - We took a field trip to watch part of a marching band contest today. Band was one of my "things" growing up, and I especially loved marching band (see the last photo for vintage marching band Chelley). It was fun to share this with my kiddos and my sweet friend, Joy Lin! #marchingband #bandnerd #brassisbetter #autumninoklahoma #LIGHTacademy #homeschoolfieldtrip
10/16 - A beautiful sunset, a backyard fire, s'mores, and my favorite people . . . autumn is my favorite! ๐๐๐ฅ๐ซ๐๐
10/17 - I know I post a lot about running, but I like having record of the kids' events and progress. Today, they (along with their Dad) participated in a virtual run for the Tennessee Children's Home where my brother is a director. The time posted was Brianna's, and Bren ran the same distance about 5 minutes faster. They are both growing as runners, and watching their pace time continually get faster is amazing to me!
10/19 - When two sisters and their two daughters accidentally show up at church perfectly coordinated, you take advantage of the photo op! #seesters #matchymatchy #coordinatedfamily
10/20 - Nineteen years ago today - on the most perfect autumn day in Oklahoma - two kids vowed their love and loyalty to each other in marriage. Through all the trials, mountains, valleys, and good times along the way, we have been greatly blessed! ๐๐๐ #marriage #marriagematters #anniversary #numbernineteen
10/23 - ๐ Autumn vibes ๐ #twins #twinbies #autumnvibes๐ #fiveyearsold #adventuresinkindergarten
10/24 - The Big kids completed their cross country season at the National Homeschool Invitational in Springfield, Missouri. They finished strong, both medaling in their age group and Bren setting a new PR. It was a chilly morning, but the fall foliage was incredible! We are so grateful for a great season, this experience, and Coach Renee! #littlerunners #crosscountry #gofalcons #BriannaElisabethJo #fabulousfifth #BrensonCharlesJacob #thrivinginthird #LIGHTacademy #homeschoolcrosscountry
10/31 - We've celebrated many birthdays together, but I'm still so grateful for you. Here's to the next great decade! ๐
10/31 - In addtion to celebrating Hubby's *40th* birthday today, we had lots of Halloweenish family fun! We melted crayons over pumpkins using a heat gun, carved jack-o-lanterns, and went trick-or-treating in our costumes. Happy Halloween from Where's Waldo?, two dragons, and Laura Ingalls!
11/02 - Minus to go to work part ๐ . . . for me, it's work at home.
11/02 - What a crew! This family is so special to us, and we're thankful to have baby Lia to love on now, too! ๐
11/03 - Praying for America today! #2020election #presidentialelection #american #govote
11/05 - We were in the area(ish) for a funeral today, so we stopped by Tahlequah to see the fall foliage. Walking around the NSU campus brings back so many memories, and the autumn colors NEVER disappoint! #NSUTahlequah #autumninoklahoma #autumnvibes๐ #colorfulworld
11/07 - A night out with good food, lots of laughter, and some ax and knife throwing is just what we needed to celebrate the four of us turning FORTY ๐ฒ! Wasn't it just a couple years ago we were ringing in our thirties together?!? #helloforty #framily #themeltingpot #gotwoodaxethrowing
11/14 - Roasted pumpkin seeds . . . a favorite autumn snack in this house! ๐
11/17 - What I love most about my birthday is who I share it with ๐! #birthdaygirl #thebigfouroh #ishareitwithmydad #birthdaypieisbetterthancake
11/19 - When your living room is also your classroom . . . I never knew how much I'd love homeschooling. It's everyday moments and beautiful moments and difficult moments and lightbulb moments and frustrating moments and victorious moments all rolled into a wonderfully messy journey of growth, learning, and grace. And I'm so thankful for it! ๐๐๐๐ #LIGHTacademy #homeschooljourney #unexpectedblessings
11/24 - We took to the skies, and the kids were all about this experience! It was a first for the twins and the first they could really remember for the Bigs. Our first flight of the day was pretty rough with turbulence, and Bren exclaimed, "This is not going to end well!" Spoiler alert: it ended just fine after a hard landing ๐. Too bad we didn't have much luggage (and this wasn't all of it ๐). Tulsa → Dallas → Orlando ๐ด๐ด๐ด
11/25 - Our resort is just lovely, complete with a couple small nature trails. We loved seeing all the little lizards, foliage, and beautiful birds! The kids said, "We didn't know Florida had palm trees!" Lol.
11/25 - We had a wonderful afternoon at Disney Springs! Our van full of kids went crazy when we drove under the Disney sign, and they absolutely loved the LEGO creations and World of Disney. The Christmas decor added an extra element of magic, and lunch at T-Rex was a great experience. Brecklyn struggled a bit with all the walking, the sun, the slight heat (not bad at all), and being off her eating schedule. However, when we got in the van to go home, she exclaimed, "This was the best day ever! Thank you so much for taking me there!" ๐
11/25 - This little bit lost her very first tooth today! She is just tickled that she finally gets a visit from the tooth fairy after years of seeing her big siblings get visits ๐ฆท! #BrookeElianaMae #adventruesinkindergarten #toothfairytime
11/26 - Happy Thanksgiving ๐ฆ๐ฝ๐! It's been a wonderful day . . . great food, lots of time running around outside, and plenty of laughter. I am so grateful for God's bountiful blessings!
11/27 - Today we took a little trip to the gorgeous St. Pete Beach on the west coast of Florida. The kids LOVED the time we spent there, and really, what's not to love?!? The weather was perfect, the water was beautiful, and the sand was powder soft! After a day of fun and sun ๐, we headed back to our resort for a relaxing evening with our friends while the guys went to watch Gabriel play football. This was the kids' first experience at a sandy beach where they were able to play in the water, and we couldn't have asked for more!
11/27 - Friday night lights . . . Bren is soaking it allllll in.
11/28 - It was an Animal Kingdom kind of day! My feet and back are aching, but looking through my pics from the day made me smile so much! We started the day early (in the park at 7:40am), and we packed it full of fun! We walked all the steps, rode the rides (some twice or more!), did lots of pin trading, saw a few shows (I'm pretty sure Brecklyn was traumatized by "It's Tough to be a Bug" . . . she was SO scared!), rode the train to Rafiki's Planet Watch, and the kids even convinced me to ride Kali River Rapids (yes, we got wet . . . yuck!). We finished off the night by watching a beautiful Christmas show light up the Tree of Life. After almost twelve hours in the park, the kids are sleeping soundly probably dreaming of the magical day we had!
11/28 - I wasn't about to get on Expedition Everest, but The Hubs captured a pic of the view for me. Not bad!
11/29 - We drove to worship with the congregation in Eagle Lake, and met some kind brothers and sisters in Christ. We were graciously invited to a baked potato and brisket lunch at the Dindy's, and afterwards the kids (and some adults) had fun playing outside. We then attended evening worship, grabbed Taco Bell to go for dinner (probably the cheapest meal we'll eat in Florida!), and headed back to our resort. I love how worshipping with the brethren can feel like home even when you're away from home. It was a good day of worship and rest to kick off the week!
11/30 - We had a pretty slow start this morning, and it was so nice to sleep in a bit! After we got up and going, we packed all our things to move to Bay Lake Tower on Disney property. Our suite wasn't quite ready for us, so we explored the property for a bit (and took a mask-free pic of the kids . . . whooo-hooo!), then rode a Disney bus to EPCOT. We arrived a little before opening (at 11:40am), and immediately started riding rides! Favorites from today included Mission Space, Soarin' (except Brecklyn), and Frozen Ever After (we waited in a long line to ride this . . . twice!) My favorite is the World Showcase, which was just beautiful at dusk and after the sun went down. We ate a delicious early dinner in Mexico, although Bri made me laugh when she called my $15 entree "the cutest little food she's ever seen" ๐. We closed down the park at 8pm, and had quite a serenade from our bus driver on the way back to our resort. It's the small, unexpected things that truly bring the magic ✨.
12/01 - I poured hot cocoa mix in my hot water and somehow it came out in the shape of Mickey Mouse. Part of the ears sank into the water before I got a pic. I guess this is what you call Disney magic ๐!
12/01 - Y'all. Bay Lake Tower is where it's at! We have amazing views of the lake, complete with a breathtaking sunrise. Our suite has a kitchen, living room, two bedrooms, three bathrooms, two balconies, and even a washer and dryer! This morning, we walked to The Contemporary via the skybridge to have breakfast at the Contempo Cafe (Mickey waffles for the win!) and caught a beautiful view of Magic Kingdom which is only about a ten minute walk. We are so thankful for the opportunity to stay here!
12/01 - While EPCOT is my favorite park, today was the park day I have been looking forward to most. I felt like most of the kids would LOVE Magic Kingdom, and I was right! I actually got teary-eyed when Brianna saw Cinderella's Castle up close for the first time . . . such a magical moment! Bren wasn't overly enjoying himself for the first few hours (princesses and castles don't impress him), but a series of neat things happened and he said, "NOW I get why it's called Magic Kingdom! It's pretty magical here!" Pin trading, character parades and spotting (on the train station platform), and the twins getting their first set of ears all made the day pretty special. Favorite rides included Dumbo, Aladdin's Carpets, Teacups, and Prince Charming's Carousel for the twins, and It's a Small World, Peter Pan's Flight, and Tomorrowland Speedway for the Bigs. We started off the morning with Philharmagic, and we all hold that as a favorite part of the day. We spent 9am-9pm in the park and can't wait to go back!
12/02 - When planning this vacation, I knew we'd need a rest day on the schedule. Disney is not for the faint - and this was day 9 of vacay - so a rest day was definitely in order! After casually getting around this morning, we headed back to Disney Springs to visit the LEGO store, the Star Wars store, World of Disney, and my personal favorite, Earl of Sandwich. Even though we were taking it slow, the little girls were acting very tuckered out (check out Brooke lounging on a small wall!). The line at Earl of Sandwich was long, so we headed back to our suite without it ๐ญ. While Chris and the twins napped, Bri and I met up with Tia and Shenia for treats, and Bren played ball with Gabriel, Tre, and Ross. The kids enjoyed some playtime, Chris redeemed himself by having Earl of Sandwich delivered, and we went to Bible Study in Eagle Lake to finish off the day.
12/02 - Got my fix! ๐
12/02 - I'm pretty sure they think they're tougher than they really are ๐!
12/03 - Hollywood Studios was the park we were the least familiar with, but we had a fantastic day there! We started in Toy Story Land with Toy Story Mania being our first ride. It was a huge hit! WE followed that by almost losing our breakfast and snacks on Slinky Dog (not everyone, but Brooke and me, for sure!). After Alien Swirling Saucers, lunch at Woody's Lunchbox, and another spin on Toy Story Mania, we split ways for the afternoon. The boys enjoyed Galaxy's Edge and all thing Star Wars, while the girls went to shows. The Frozen Sing-Along was a favorite, and it was definitely a magical moment when the ceiling opened up for the snow to fall during Let It Go! After a few character parades, some snacks, and more pin trading, we left the park and caught the monorail at the Contemporary. The kids had been begging to ride the monorail, so we made it happen! WE rode it in a circle, enjoying the parks and resorts that were decorated for Christmas.
12/03 - Christamas in the parks is so beautiful! I love being here this time of year ๐.
12/04 - On our final day in Orlando, we headed back to Magic Kingdom for more fun! We began the day with The Barnstormer, followed by the Tomorrowland Speedway, Astro-Orbiter, and the Teacups. Of course, I was all about getting the magical photos, and thankfully everyone humored me and cooperated. We had promised Bren that we'd do some of the more intense rides this time, so Splash Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, and Space Mountain were all on that list. I chickened out on Splash and spent a lovely hour all to myself, but Chris, Bren, and the twins all loved it! Chris and Bren did Thunder Mountain while Ross, Tia, and I took the girls to the Country Bears Jamboree. We all did Pirates together (I loved this one!), then Ross took Sadie and Bren to ride Space Mountain (twice!). I was so happy I got out of all the scary rides ๐. We finished our 2020 WDW vacation with one last Philharmagic show, and it was the perfect way to end the night! We were back in our suite by 8pm packing up to catch our early morning flight home. It's been an unforgettable trip!!!
12/05 - I love photos, so here are just a few more of my favorites (in random order)!
12/05 - We got up super early to catch our flight out of Orlando. Thankfully, everything went smoothly flying home. When we landed in Tulsa and got on the shuttle to take us to our cars, the amount of luggage made me laugh. And our kids were so excited to ride the shuttle bus, like we hadn't just been in Disney World, lol! Upon arriving at home, we were greeted by this sweet sign and appreciated it even with the spelling mistake ๐. After a fat nap for everyone, Chris picked up food from our favorite local Mexican restaurant. Would you believe the kids found a hidden Mickey in the grease from the chips?!? That Disney magic is something else ๐!
Orlando → Houston → HOME
12/06 - My friend, Sherry, made me laugh when she gave me this gift today. It's just perfect for 2020! #merrychristmas2020 #toiletpapertree #itsbeenayear #neverthoughtidbesohappyfortp
12/08 - This evening is feeling pretty perfect with the warmth from the fire, the glow of Christmas lights, and hot cocoa in my new Disney mug ๐.
12/11 - We are much later than usual, but we finally got our tree decorated! I'm definitely a sentimental/meaningful ornament sort of person. That doesn't make for the most beautiful or coordinated tree, but I love it!
12/12 - Today was the perfect day to stay in our cozy house and do some Christmas baking! Sugar cookies, almond bark pretzels, and cinnamon candy are some of our favorite holiday treats. And, as an added bonus, my house smells amazing!
12/13 - I know everyone is super excited about the snow, so I'm going to join the bandwagon! It's been wonderful to have a good snow for the first time in some years, and my kids have had a ball playing in it. There's just something magical about the snow ❆⛄❄!
12/15 - Good morning from the #sunriseonsummittrail ! ๐⛅๐
12/15 - Enjoying my niece's Christmas recital!
12/16 - Happy 25th wedding anniversary to my bro and sis-in-law! May you have many more.
12/16 - I was *somewhat* mindlessly scrolling through social media tonight when I came across this and it immediately triggered some things inside me. It may not be evident now, but this was me for many Christmases. Seven, to be exact. My heart yearned for a baby, and my empty arms often felt so heavy that I didn't know how I could continue to carry them.
The years of being hopeful and hopeless and everything in between wore on us. We wondered if we'd ever see our family grow. We dreamed of the day our house would be filled with the noise of little people. We promised ourselves we would never forget what a blessing children are, even when things seem chaotic or tough. The pain of infertility will stay with me forever, and I hope my heart will always remain soft toward those enduring such trials.
I know some of you - my friends - are in this place this season. You are not forgotten. I see you, and I am praying for you. ๐
12/20 - This past week, my nephew and his fiance, Mallory, came to town to visit and work on a few projects with my dad. Mallory was our house guest for the week, and I'm pretty sure my crazy crew made her think twice about having kids someday ๐. We are grateful for the time we were able to spend with them before they move even farther away!
12/21 - Tulsa Botanic Garden of Lights continues to be one of my favorite events each year. I love sharing these special memories with my sweet kiddos. ๐๐๐
12/22 - They are getting married one by one . . . kids grow so fast these days ๐. Also, we have no groom because the boys disappeared as soon as the word "wedding" was said, haha!
12/23 - Being called "Momma" is such a gift ๐งง. I love my sweet babies ๐.
12/24 - This picture is one of my favorite yearly traditions, but seriously what happened to my babies?!? ๐ญ Happy Christmas Eve, everyone!
12/25 - From my crazy crew to yours . . . Merry Christmas ๐!
12/26 - It was a beautiful day at the Homestead celebrating Christmas. Lots of time spent outdoors exploring, swinging on the tire swing, and target practice makes my crew very happy!
12/28 - Spending time with my girls always leaves my heart a little fuller. I'm so grateful we get to do life together!
12/31 - Well, here they are . . . *some of * our best moments of 2020! These photos represent big transitions like new bunk beds, time spent quarantined, unexpectedly finishing the school year at home then intentionally choosing homeschool, the big kids earning a steady income with their cookie business, a socially distanced trip to Minnesota, the hubs and me turning forty, an amazing (also socially distanced) trip to Florida, and finally ending the year with some wonderful family time at home! This year was certainly full of the unexpected, and I'm so grateful that included beautiful blessings alongside the tougher stuff! #2020topnine #ayeartoremember #goodbye2020
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