Friday, December 12, 2008

For those that are wondering...

A few people have asked me lately for an update on the fertility front. For those that are interested, here's what's going on...

If you remember, our November cycle was a natural cycle because of bad timing. Well, as is typically the case with natural cycles, things didn't go according to plan and we are STILL waiting for CD1 so we can do another medicated cycle.

There is a med that I can take to bring on CD1, but it didn't actually work last time we tried it.

Honestly, it's okay. I actually feel a little relieved. Chris and I never really wanted to cycle in December anyway. It's so hectic with the holidays that we had already decided -- before the November cycle fell through -- that we would take December off. After things didn't work out for the November cycle, we changed our minds about taking December off. Well, the decision was pretty much made for us when my body decided not to cooperate.

I could probably push this with my doctor, but I'm not going to. I just want to try and survive the holidays without the added stress of injections and ultrasounds and medicines that make me short-tempered and overly-sensitive and weepy and insane feeling. This time of year is hard enough. Facing yet another Christmas without children is overwhelming at times. I just want to enjoy the season with my family and my friends and think about all this stuff in January.


Lisa said...

Hopefully CD1 will come soon and you can cycle in January. We're praying for you and Chris!

Tracy said...

Sorry I asked instead of waiting for the blog update. Kennedy prays for you a baby everynight.