Monday, June 8, 2009

Stuck in the middle with you...

After 10 Follistim shots and 1 nasty trigger shot, I have officially survived another round of injections! HOPEFULLY, the last one!

Since I've shared so much with my blogger community, I thought I'd share what my middle looks like after days of injections. This nasty bruise is from a Follistim shot gone awry. We're not quite sure what happened...

Normally, the Follistim injections do leave a small bruise (like the little brown one in the photo below). You can actually see a little, almost healed bruise above my thumb in the photo above as well. The top, right side of the bruise above is a from one injection, while the bigger, purple bruise is the mark of a different injection.

The trigger shot leaves a swollen, red whelp that becomes really hard and super sensitive. It was hard to capture in a photo, but you can kinda see it in the photo below. It makes sitting and bending at the waist a bit painful for a couple days, but nothing too bad.

Needless to say, my middle is definitely thankful to be finished with this round of injections!


Lisa said...

Ouch! I never got a red whelp from trigger. Is it ovidrel?

Mercedes said...

Your child is going to now how much you wanted them. I am proud of you.

Tracy said...

Oh I am not a good shot patient. Ouch@@@. Sorry for the bruises.

Angie said...

Don't lie...we all know you just got into some kind of physical altercation...j/k :)