When thinking about the things I'm loving right now, I realized that my mental list was almost completely composed of food! So, I trimmed it down and tried to think of other things, but apparently food is on the brain, haha!
I'm loving this shirt I found for Brianna! She wore this outfit to church a few weeks ago to announce our big news to everyone. It was a cute way to tell our church family *grin*.

I'm loving nectarines right now! Brianna loves them too, so we usually split at least one a day. YUM!
I'm loving that Brianna is my little social bug! She is so friendly and always waves and says hi to everyone where ever we go. This is completely opposite of me as a child . . . I was the kid always hiding behind my mom's leg!
I'm loving the thought of cupcakes right now! I've had a cake mix in the pantry for over a month just tempting me to make cupcakes, but I have yet to give in! I probably think about them daily though. Don't they look soooooo yummy?!?

I'm loving Etsy right now! I've only ever purchased a couple things from Etsy, but I love browsing and looking at all the super-cute things out there. Is anyone else addicted to browsing Etsy? Please say yes!

And finally, I'm loving that Brianna is such a Daddy's girl. Melts my heart :-)
Brianna is always such a cutie. Yes Etsy is an addicting site. Right now I am in remission. Have fun with VBS and good luck with the preggers.
I'm totally addicted to Etsy! I get so many good ideas from there!
B is so cute in that purple dress. Precious!
Such a fun post, lots of sweet pictures!
I was eating a nectarine as I read this post! And I agree, they are so juicy and good right now!
i love that purple dress!! Stopping over from the link-up :)
{I'm hosting a giveaway that ends Friday & would love to see you there! amyrenepowell.com}
MMM. Those nectarines look SO good! And, your family is GORGEOUS. You definitely have a lot of awesome things to be lovin'!
So cute!!! Family time is the best!
I'm loving that it's Friday and that Jon and I are having date night tonight!! woohoo!! Happy Friday!!
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