Thursday, May 1, 2014

A Day in the Life 2014

For the past several years, I've documented what a typical day looks like for us. I love looking back and seeing how much life has transformed in just one or two short years. I know it will continue to change rapidly, so I want to keep up with these posts every year.

Here are the posts from 2012 and 2013

The day that I chose to document was Friday, April 25th. Fridays are a little different than the other days of the week for us, but all of our Fridays look about the same. And really, any day that we do an activity or an outing looks pretty much like this. 

Brenson typically wakes first in the morning sometime between 7:00 - 7:30am. If I haven't gotten up and started getting ready yet, I will go get him and bring him to my bed. He is generally a happy little guy in the morning, smiling and ready to go for the day.

If I still have to take a shower or finish getting ready, he will lay in my bed while I do what I need to do. On this morning, I took a shower while he hung out in my bed. After I got out of the shower and got dressed, we cuddled in bed for a while before starting our day.

Brianna and Brenson generally go to bed at the same time, but Brianna will lay in bed and play/sing/talk for up to an hour before falling asleep whereas Brenson will fall asleep immediately. Because of this, Brianna is usually more tired in the mornings. I had to wake her on this morning, and she wasn't ready to get up!

She hates bright lights in the mornings (and was wondering what I was doing with my camera in her face so early).

Before I woke Brianna, Brenson and I whipped up some blueberry muffins for breakfast and put them in the oven to bake. We make muffins about once a week.

Bren loves blueberry muffins and will typically eat 2 or 3 muffins!

I try to serve them something with their muffins such as applesauce, other fruit, or yogurt. They are hearty eaters, albeit slow in the mornings. Breakfast can drag out a long time if I let it!

After breakfast, Brianna will get herself dressed, brush her hair (I will pull it up or fix it later, but she brushes it), and brush her teeth while I help get Brenson dressed and ready. After he gets dressed, it's his job to take his clothes and Brianna's clothes to the dirty clothes hamper.

Depending on how smoothly the morning is going, the kids may have to wait 10 or 15 minutes on me to finish getting ready. During this time, they just play or read or sometimes watch Sesame Street. Brianna was reading this day.

She loves books!

When we're ready to go, I'll tell them, "Grab whatever you want to take in the car and line up at the door." They don't actually line up, but they will wait by the door for me. Notice Brenson grabbed his shades :-).

On Fridays, we go to our Mommy and Me Preschool Class, Fridays with Miss Shelly. We've attended this class for almost two years and my kids love it!

They learn all kinds of great things in this class. Each week has a specific theme around which all the activities are centered.

They always do some sort of movement activity. I'm not sure what they were doing here, but apparently it was fun :-).

Maybe running in place?

Miss Shelly's is over at 11:30am, and is in a town about 15 minutes from our house. Most of the time, we will stop and get something for lunch before heading home. Sometimes, we will even do a lunch date with other classmates, but this day we went through the Chik-Fil-A drive thru and picked up lunch.

The kids always get so excited when we pick up lunch to take home!

They love eating outside, and since the weather was beautiful it was a no-brainer. Chicken bites, fruit, and milk make a yummy lunch! And Mommy loves not having to worry about fixing something or much clean up!

After eating our lunch (I sit outside with them and eat while they do), I let the kids play on their swingset for just about 30 minutes.

They could/would play outside all day if I let them!

This is their favorite thing to do on their swingset, and they will get it going so high it scares me a bit. They generally get along great, and for that I am thankful!

While they play, I will often go inside and clean up the kitchen from breakfast and lunch. Our kitchen window faces our fenced backyard, so I can watch them closely while working at the sink.

After clean-up this day (which wasn't much since we picked up food for lunch), I sat down to make out a menu for the next two weeks. We do grocery shopping every two weeks, so I needed to make a menu and a list.

At about 1:15pm, we came inside, washed up a bit, and sat down to read books. I let the kids choose a couple of books apiece, then I choose two or three as well. We don't always make it through the whole stack, but we generally do.

We all love our reading time!

I try to have them down by 2:00pm for their naps. Brenson still needs his nap for sure, but Brianna is starting to sleep less and less. However, she is required to have quiet time in her bed whether she sleeps or not. She will usually sleep for at least an hour, though. While the kids are resting, I do a few chores, put on or prep dinner, pay bills, read, relax, get on social media, etc.

After they got up from nap (at around 4:00pm), I took photos of them with their projects they made at Miss Shelly's.

This day was a transportation theme.

I'll get them a small snack, and then they will play until Daddy gets home around 6:00pm. Sometimes I will play with them for a while, but around 4:45-5:00pm, I will start doing chores and cooking dinner.

There is ALWAYS laundry to be done! Always.

About a year ago, Chris put a clothes line in our backyard for me. I LOVE it! The kids always follow me outside to help me hang clothes on the line.

The time between 5:00 and 6:00pm is often a harder time of day. The kids are sometimes a bit cranky, and of course I'm trying to cook dinner and get it on the table. They will help some with cooking/setting the table or once in a while I will put a movie on for them, but there is often more fussing and fighting than usual. You would think that at 2 and 4 years old, they would have outgrown "witching hour", but not so much in our house. It has definitely gotten better, so there IS hope!

We try to eat fairly quickly after Chris gets home from work, so I try to have it mostly prepared when he walks in.

After dinner, Chris will usually play with the kids while I clean the kitchen. Sometimes, we'll go on a walk together as a family, and other times (although not often) we will run errands. This night, we had to run to Lowe's to get some things for a weekend project.

By the time we got home this night, it was pushing 8:00pm, so time to start our bedtime routine. We give the kids baths on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday unless they got dirty/stinky for some reason. Sometimes, we will read a few books before bed.

At about 8:15pm, we do our family devo and say prayers. Then, the kids get a drink, go potty, and we tuck them in bed. They are both GREAT sleepers, and unless they are sick, we don't get up with them in the night.

After the kids are in bed, Chris and I generally relax and wind down from the day. Our days are busy, but we are loving this season of life! As much as we love our kids, we do cherish our downtime in the evenings. Our recharge time is important so we can do it all again the next day :-).

1 comment:

Kristina said...

You seriously have my exact life! BEFORE twins. lol!! I have a 7, 5, and 2 year old twins. Mine were 2 and 4 when I was preggo with the twins and turned 3 and 5 right before I had them. Your life will be turned UPSIDE DOWN when they get here. But as you know, it's WORTH IT! It's a crazy rollercoaster adventure, but so much fun!!