Friday, May 6, 2022

Falcons Track & Field, 2022

One thing that has been a huge blessing to us in our homeschool journey has been our running team, the Owasso Falcons. Track and Field was one of the highlights of the kiddos' year last year, so there was no hesitation when I asked them if they wanted to participate in Track and Field again. 

Brianna was extra excited when she found out that her friend, Gavon, and her friend, Abby, were both going to be running on the team this year. She ran consistently all winter to stay in shape for track and field. 

Gavon and Bri

Bri and Abby

Coach Renee is really starting to build momentum with the Falcons, and this year we had almost 90 kids signed up to be on the team (that include HS, JS, and elementary). It's fun to be part of a program that is growing!

Our elementary team practiced M-W-F from 8:30-9:30 at the Owasso HS track for 10 weeks. We traded off driving with the Browns which worked out so nicely. On the days I drove the kids, I enjoyed walking the track with other moms and watching the kids practice. 

Bren playing with some of his teammates

This year, our elementary team competed in two home meets (held at Rejoice Christian School), two away meets, and Homeschool Track and Field Nationals. Bri and Bren are both partial to the field events, although they compete in the running events, as well. Our regular meets are typically with the OKC Storm and the OPA Lions.

Bren throwing shot put

Bri throwing shot put

Bren throwing discus

Bren doing long jump

Bri doing long jump

Bri had a fan there to cheer her on!

It was nice to have our own little cheering section, haha.

In each meet, Bri and Bren held their own. They brought home lots of ribbons this season!

Our two away meets were in Guthrie, Oklahoma. Bri's favorite race is the 1600m.

Bren much prefers the shorter races!

Bren was also part of a relay team who performed really well.

And, Bren competed in hurdles for the first time, and he really enjoyed it. Bri had zero desire to do hurdles!

Bringing in those ribbons!

Bren throwing discus

Bren throwing shot put

Brianna throwing discus

Love that concentration face!

More ribbons!

This relay team did really well with the 4X100m. Sadly, Caden couldn't go to nationals, so they weren't able to compete there. 

Caden, Bren, Cade, and Harvey

Meme and Papa came to cheer the kids on at one meet.

Always windy!

We really appreciate our team, and are thankful to be a part of it!

Coach Renee had mentioned a few times that she wanted the kids to be able to participate in the high jump if they wanted to. However, the high jump mats at the track where we practice are not available for us to use. We had taken our kids out to the Claremore HS track a few times to practice and noticed that those mats were available. Chris built a make-shift, adjustable high-jump bar and invited everyone from our team to meet us there one evening and practice high jump. It worked out well, and they repeated it several times throughout the season. He ended up kind of becoming the high jump coach for a few who were interested, and some of our athletes even competed in high jump at some of the meets (including Bren). One of our junior high girls won silver in high jump at nationals after just a handful of practices with Chris. 

As a thank-you gift to Coach Renee, Christ made this amazing Falcon symbol for her. I thought it turned out really well, and she seemed to appreciate it.

I definitely don't have stats on all the events the kids participated in throughout the season, but I do have a few. I love seeing how they improve!

April 23rd:
Bren shot - 17'1"
Bren disc - 44'1"
Bri shot - 15'5.5"
Bri disc - 39'5"

April 30:
Bren shot - 18'1"
Bren disc - 42'11"
Bri shot - 17'6"
Bri disc - 44'5.75"

Also, at the April 30th meet, Bri ran the 1600m in 8:32, which we're fairly certain was a PR for her. Bren went 9'11" in the long jump, also a PR. 

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