Monday, December 21, 2020

Feelin' Kind of Frosty

About a week ago, I saw on social media that we had snow in the forecast for our little corner of the world. It's not too unusual for us to have the possibility of snow in the winter, but we rarely (especially in the last five years or so) have actually gotten more than a dusting of snow. When I see snow in the forecast, I try not to let the eight year old inside of me get excited, and I certainly try to not let the kids know that it *might* happen. 

So, when we noticed a few flakes falling from the sky just as we were leaving for church the Sunday before last, there was a good deal of rejoicing and excitement in our van! The snow continued to fall the whole time we were in church, and by the time we got back to our house, it looked like this:

Snow is just so beautiful and peaceful! It gets me every time!

Now, Sunday afternoons in our house are reserved for rest time. It's rare that Chris and I don't join the kids in napping on Sunday afternoon, and I wasn't planning on changing that just because it snowed. Then I remembered how the kids rarely get to see or play in snow, and that it probably wouldn't last long. So I told everyone to get bundled in winter gear and head outside to play!

Just look at those smiles!
Brenson, Brianna, Brooke, and Brecklyn

What is it about rolling in the snow that feels so great?!?


Brecklyn making snow angels

I'm not sure what Brooke is doing . . . maybe eating snow?

Twinbie love keeps us warm!

We brought out our sled, but the big kids really just wanted to build a snowman. We discovered quickly that this snow was perfect for packing. It was wet, heavy, and abundant!

These were some of the fastest snowmen we had probably ever built because the snow packed so well. 

Brianna and her "snowgirl"

Bren and his "snowman"

Another great thing about this snow is that the temperature wasn't too cold, so we were able to stay out in it for what felt like a long time. Unfortunately, JT and Mallory were scheduled to drive to our house this day and were unable to come due to the snow, but they came the next morning so we didn't miss too much time with them. The temperature ended up staying cold throughout the week, and Tuesday brought with it another round of snow. We pretty much had snow on the ground for the whole week! That is really unusual for our area. The kids were able to go out and play in it several other days, and I wish I had a photo of what I saw when I looked out the window at them one day: Brooke riding the sled down our 12 foot play set slide! Eeeeep! I was too busy having a moment of panic to remember to grab my phone for a pic, haha. Never a dull moment around here!

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