Friday, March 31, 2023

March Round-Up!

Good-bye March . . . hello April! We had a full and fun month in March, and here are some of the things that occupied our time.

I know I've posted about this about a thousand times, but we have an amazing view of the sunrise at our house. Sometimes, we will also catch a spectacular view of the sunset. I'm hope I'm always amazed at the incredible sky!

I love it when the sunset is reflecting in our mirrors and on our vehicle!

Back in August, Brianna mistakingly drove our van into the wall in the garage. You can read about it here. Grampy came over and taught her how to fix the holes in the wall. It looks really good . . . you can't even tell something happened there. We are very grateful for his expertise.

We kicked off Track & Field practice in mid February, but March was the beginning of meet season. Brianna participated in her first meet in Ramona, and set a big PR in the 1600. This girl works hard, and it shows!

We had some special friends come watch Bri compete, and that's always fun!

Ashlyn, Bri, and Kristin

I think Brianna loves spending the day with her teammates as much as she loves running!

Abi, Bri, and Kyrie

Bren also had his first meet this month (the Ramona meet was 7th and 8th grade). We went to Tahlequah for him to participate in a 5th and 6th grade meet. He did shot, long jump, and discus at this meet.

The meet was on a Wednesday - so we didn't have much time - but since we were in Tahlequah I had to stop by and say hi to Lena. It's always SO good to hug her neck! 

She took the photo of us, and posted this on FB later that day. It warmed my heart!

The week before Spring Break, Brooke and Brecklyn did some fun "St. Patrick's Day" activities at school, and I got several photos. 

They built leprechaun traps, and these are the steps Brooke took:

Final product!

Brecklyn's class also built leprechaun traps. 

And I'm not sure what this photo is about, but it sure is cute!

Brecklyn's class hosted Rise & Shine this month, and they did the cutest little rap song about kindness. Brecklyn is right in the middle wearing orange. 

St. Patrick's Day was during Spring Break, but we were sure to wear our green!

Homeschool continues to be really good. I don't often give exams, but when I do I have been very happy with the kids' progress. They are both in Pre-Algebra this year.

The kids do well with math, but what they really enjoy are the more hands-on activities we do. Our science curriculum this year (chemistry for upper elementary) fits that bill perfectly!

We are trying to have family game night more often because the kids absolutely love it. We're not always too successful, but we did manage to make it happen this month. The kids had talked a lot of smack about how I was going to lose, but guess who won!?! 

We ended the month by having Grampy, G-Jo, the Earls, and the Swearingens over for pizza last night. It's always a good time when we're together! Brianna did several heads of hair while Chloe serenaded us on her saxophone.

Once Lisa's hair was done, she gave us a ukulele concert. She's getting really good!

The little girls were all fascinated by the music!

I'm always thankful for this good life!

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